Still feeling sleepy -.-

I had to wake up way too early for someone on break (7:45) because my mom forgot her keys at my aunt's apartment. She brought my little cousin to babysit, so that killed any chances of me going back to sleep, but that didn't stop her from getting more sleep. If I had gone to sleep earlier I wouldn't feel so tired, but I stayed up late watching D. Gray-Man (which I probably shouldn't have done considering how depressing the last episode I watched for the night was T.T) and after I stopped watching for the night I had trouble falling asleep because of the heat.

*mini rant* I turned the TV on for my cousin mostly because I didn't feel like playing with him. I didn't realize how dull the scarce kids cartoons are now until this morning; I remember KCET actually aired decent cartoons before (Arthur was the best). Now I realize why my cousin would rather go and create a mess in the apartment to gather every single toy car in the place rather than watch. The animation lacks fluidity, the characters all looked stiff, and weren't very interesting. I couldn't take much more so I turned off the TV (he didn't mind, he had already piled up about 20 or so cars on the coffee table) and started reading Pandora Hearts. I miss the days when I could turn on the TV and find Arthur on one channel, Pokemon on the other and the House of Mouse on a third; I think I just miss finding anything entertaining on local TV don't have cable in general. I think I'm going to play the DuckTales DVDs I have for him next time he comes.
