video blog 6


Tears of life,
Sorrows end,
I feel the pain,
That others can't,
When i see you,
The feeling subsides,
I cry out,
To the forever hue,
Its dark and cold,
I ish i could hold,
But the tears run down,
Until i am no more,
You broke my heart,
You broke my soul,
I am forever dead,
To the world,
as those tears run now.

And this is what i do in my free time... i wright depressing poams that make others feel better about themselves... This is one i wrote a while ago... Hope yall like it


Holy shit, what is this
forged in gods very flames
do my eyes tell me lies
a new elder scrolls game
time is nigh, i must fly
venture forth on my quest
goodbye ma, goodbye pa
and goodbye girlfriends breasts
ill be off azeroth, catch you later hyrule
ill be gone albion, im no longer your fool
other crap filled the gap as i waited to begin
the adventure of my life in the land of skyriiiiiiim!

Hey Wolfii

Hey Wolfii whats goin on


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