LL Oct. Score Match

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I'm so excited for the next score match in LLSIF *v* it's gonna be Hanayo this time <333
I hope I have at least 80 loveca by then XP I'd spend 30 (if needed;;;) for the event, and if the scouting after is a UR Hanayo then I'd use up the rest of my 50 loveca for it *q* idk I hope I make it to tier 1 so I can have 3 copies of the SR

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^ left- event prize, right- idolized version

I rlly want to have both the idolized and unidolized *^* they both look so beautiful~~~

No sleep for 10 days let's do this :^) //the event is still next month bUT I NEED TO MENTALLY PREPARE FOR THIS ALREADY OK
