Hi!! Welcome to my kingdom!

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday to Hong Kong!! ....and uh.... who? Just kidding!! Happy Birthday, Canada!! I would never forget you.

Blah Blah BLAH!!!

Okay, so I'm trying to redo this project thing that I tried doing a few months ago. I'm trying to draw some of my fave Hetalia charas in drag.

....yea. Sounds fun, right? Well, it's hard to plan and I quit it after staying up until 1 a.m. to finish only half of the group pic. Anyway, I'm trying to do it again but I'm giving them different clothes and only drawing two in one paper to make it easier.

I'm drawing:
#1- Poland and Latvia
#2- Norway and Iceland
#3- Finland and Sealand
#4- Italy Bros.
#5- China and Japan

I'll try posting the 2nd rough draft tomorrow. (probably)

Oh, and I'm working on DarkKittyLove's and Shineska's pic so don't ask for requests until I say so cause I'm busy right now with the CD Project and the requests.


Ugh..guys, help me out here?

I am in a frikkin slump and have no idea what to draw. I have been drawing but only in my fadoodle book (my small sketchbook) and I need to submit more of my crap here so I'm taking requests. So order me around, people!

I'm back!!!

Hi guys!! I'm online again! well, actually i was online yesterday but i was too lazy to post something. hurhurhur...

Anyway, my spazzy friend, Yoshi, left for Texas this morning (Alfred's glasses...hehe) and she won't be here when we go camping and for my bday which sucks. Ugh.. I'm sick.

Hehe missed you dearies!!! I'm at my new house and the computer is at the loft so no privacy there... >3<

Episode 20

OMG!! The first few minutes were freakin' hilarious!!! 8D

I love this ep. It's so funny and sad!!