Fat Buu Bio

The first time viewers are introduced to Buu he is in this corpulent form, created through the absorption of Dai Kaiƍshin. Rarely do his eyes ever open, and his body is adorned with yellow boots/gloves, a purple cape, a black vest, and white pants. He acts in a childish manner and is the most naive of all the forms, as he is shown to have little or no knowledge of anything around him, even by his own powers. Because he retains an element of evil, Buu is still a danger, because he has almost no sense of an independent mind, so he is easily susceptible to doing whatever someone tells him to do. When Buu struggles with keeping his promise with Mr. Satan not to kill and a desire for revenge with those who wronged him, the internal conflict causes a second Buu to emerge, taking most of Majin Buu's power with himself. That's how the weakest form of Buu is born, known as "Mr. Buu". Deprived of all evil, this Buu is only slightly stronger than a Super Saiyan 2.
