Hello Nice to meet you! I'm Yuuki Kurosu/Kuran. It's a pleasure. I dont really know what to say...
I hope to get to meet several nice people while being in the O'Cafe and the Otakuhostesses, and maybe even get to be some's hostess if they want me. *smiles*

oh! Feel free to vist My home!I'm not sure if we had it password protected at the door or not, but if it is, Just say LUNAR and we'll know you mean no harm! -smiles

Our students have way to much time on their hands


that idiot

he makes me so mad at times. So what if i'm short?! He doesnt have to rub it in!-_-

so very very true

But there are time's I'm glad it doesnt

quick video

Yori-chan showed this to me*blush*


It's really raining hard. Thunder and all. I hate thunder. But there are birds flying around and singing and playing and talking to one another...I guess birds arent that scared or bothered by the rain. I envy them at times like this.