follow me n stuff!

Hey guys! Long time no update!
So some of you might already know, I've been very active of late on Tumblr and Paigeeworld. By the way, I'd much appreciate if anyone is on those sites, if you'd follow me. I'll follow back, just let me know you're from TheO. We can be Tumblr buddies, yay! Just so everyone knows, I'm not moving away from TheO. I'm gonna stay active here, I'm just looking to expand my audience a bit so hopefully at some point in the future I can bamboozle some comic book editor into giving me money.
In other news, I'm almost done applying to NHIA. I've filled out the application form and had an official portfolio review back in August. The only thing left to do is have my high school transcript sent to the college, which I' can't do at the moment because getting the transcript sent is wicked complicated for some reason. I thought I could just call them up and ask them to send it, but they're making me jump through all these hoops to get it done. Buncha jerks.
Oh, hey, my Halloween costume/cosplay for this spring's Anime Boston is almost done! I'll post pictures soon, so stay tuned!
Have a good day everybody!
