Forgotten Fragments

Forgotten Fragments
Nine figures sat around a large plain table. They all had a smilar quality, white hair and eyes. That white is the mark of the Forgotten. The Forgotten are humans who didn't die, but merely faded from existence. It is unknown what creates the Forgotten, but it might have something to do with "The Memory Mainframe", where all memories all forgotten memories are stored. The MM is where the Forgotten are based. Here they have access to every memory in the world. So basically the Forgotten know everything except for who they used to be. The leader of the Forgotten is Null who sits at the head of the table. He runs a finger through his snow white hair as he sighs. "I say we smash it." Suprised looks greet his last statement. The oldest of the Forgotten, Meravich, stands up and slams his hands on the table. "If we smash the Mainframe then every memory in the world would unravel." Null smiles, "Yes every memory in the world would be forgotten and who would a world full of forgotten memories?" Yuki, a member with spiky hair and sharp teeth pulled Meravich back into his seat. "I love it Null. Can we do it now!" Null shakes his head. "No I say we start by destroying all the memories in one town and then if that experiment works then we try the world. Failure is not an option." Yuki licked her lips excitedly. "Makes sense we'll wipe whatever town it is off the face of the Earth." Null gives a suggestion. "Serenity City. No one will miss it because it will never have existed." Meanwhile in Serenity City, a girl named Shay is preparing for school. She is still home alone as her mother is staying with her aunt for a while. Shay's mother is trying to get over the loss of her son, Shay's older brother. As Shay is arranging her stuffed animals a stuffed dinosaur falls off the shelf. It begins to wander off and she is completely shocked. The dinosaur began to speak, "Fall to the floor; watching sideways". It kept reciting this line over and over again. This was the dinosaur that......she couldn't remember where it came from. Meanwhile on a rooftop overlooking Serenity City, a small device that came from the mainframe was spinning and glowing. Null stood over it. "Memories....time....the world.....let them all bend to my will." He stomps on the machine breaking the balance in Serenity City and now the memories of everyone here and even the town itself will begin to fade away slowly. Shay picks up the dinosaur that was still chanting, "Sideways" and suddenly she remembers that her brother bought it for her. When she places the dinosaur back in her room she suddenly forgets where she is. As she stumbles about hopelessly the dinosaur jumps onto her head and suddenly she remembers everything. "Whats going on?" The dinosaur says "Fall to the floor; watching sideways". She looks out of the window and sees the city itself deteorating. Bits and pieces of the town began slowly fading away. Soon her entire city would be forgotten. The dinosaur on her head seemed to help her remember things so it would be up to Shay to fix Serenity City....if that is even possible. With the dinosaur on her head she runs out onto the street where she notices Null sitting on a rooftop and how out of place he looks here. "Hey!" Null looks away from his beautiful handiwork noticing the girl. "A stuffed dinosaur...."
To Be Continued
