Warrior Wolves book one: Echo

Chapter 3

“Let all wolves big enough to catch their own prey, meet me under the Highstump for a pack meeting.” Stormstar called from the Highstump. Greyear had told Echopup and Velpup that Foxpup and Brightpup were going to be apprenticed and that now Featherwing had passed away, Morningdove was in need of an apprentice. Willowpaw had also recived her warrior name and was now known as Willowfang. Anyway, Greyear was letting Velpup and Echopup watch the apprentice ceromonies because they would be apprentice in about a moon. Stormstar said, “Foxpup, from this moment on, you will be known as Foxpaw. Orangefur, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You will be mentor to Foxpaw. Orangefur, you have shown yourself to be a courage and strong warrior. Do all that you can to pass on what you know down to Foxpaw." After Stormstar was done talking, Foxpaw touched noses with Orangefur. Stormstar, then, said, “ Windpaw come forward!” Windpaw was a white wolf with a black stripe going done his spine. Windpaw padded forward. Stormstar said, “ I, Stormstar, leader of RavenWolf pack, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Windpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Windpaw said, “I do, Stormstar.” “Then by the powers of Starpack, I give you your warrior name. Windpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Windstripe. Starpack honors your courage and speed, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RavenWolf Pack.” Windstripe licked Stormstar’s shoulder. Stormstar added, “You shall sit Vigil tonight.” Windstripe nodded his head and padded over to his spot in the center of camp. Mouringdove padded over to the Highstump and said, “Wolves of RavenWolf Pack, as you know, I will not be around forever. So it’s time I took an apprentice. I have chosen a cat who has shown honesty. Your next medicine cat will be Brightpaw.” Stormstar looked down at Brightpaw and said,” Brightpaw, do you accept the post of apprentice to Mourningdove?” Brightpaw said, “I do, Stormstar.” Mourningdove said, “Then at the half-moon, you must travel to the Moonfield to be accepted by Starpack before the other medicine wolves.” Stormstar added, “The good wishes of all RavenWolf Pack will go with you.” Mourningdove jumped down form Highstump and padded over to Brightpaw. Brightpaw padded up to Mourningdove and touched noses with him. All of RavenWolf Pack howled, “Windstripe, Foxpaw, Brightpaw.” Echopup looked up at Greyear and asked, “Can we go over to Foxpaw and congratulate her?” Greyear nodded and said, “Just don’t be a pest.” Echopup and Velpup both nodded and raced off over to Foxpaw. Foxpaw saw them coming and said, “Hiya guys!” Velpup was the first to speak and said, “Congrats, Foxpaw. You must be feeling pretty exited.” Foxpaw said, “Actually, I am.” Orangefur padded over to them and said, “Foxpaw, you should go and pick you spot in the Apprentice Den. Then get something to eat and go to sleep, because its going to be an early start tomorrow.” Foxpaw said, “I will, Orangefur.” She looked back at Echopup and Velpup and said, “Sorry, guys. I gotta go.” Echopup said, “if you learn any fighting moves, you better show us.” Foxpaw said, “Don’t worry, I will.” She winked at the pups and raced over to the Apprentice’s Den. Echopup looked at Velpup and said, “I guess, its back to the nursery for us.” Velpup said, “Don’t worry, We will be with them in a moon.” Echopup said, “I guess your right.”