Warrior Wolves book one: Echo

Chapter 4

About a half of a moon later, Echopup was laying outside the nursery when he saw Redclaw, the pack deputy, padded out of the Medicine Den, with a sad look on his face. A quarter-moon ago, Stormstar has fallen ill with Greencough. Anyway, Redclaw padded over to Highstump and jumped on top of it and said, “Let all wolves old enough to catch their own prey, meet me under Highstump for a pack meeting!” RavenWolf Pack wolves were padding out of the Dens and everyone was looking worried. Echopup looked up at Redclaw. Velpup and Greyear padded out of the Nursery and sat next to Echopup. Redclaw looked over the pack and said, “I’m sorry to say, but Stormstar is dead. She died a few minutes ago. So, tomorrow, I, with Mourningdove, will travel to Moonfield and I will obtain my nine lives from Starpack, but for now we will sit vigil. First, I will have the pups come up with Greyear.” Echopup, Velpup and Greyear padded forward and sat around Stormstar, who Mourningdove and Brightpaw had brought out into the Clearing. They all put their noses into Stormstar’s silver fur. It still had a warm feeling to it stating that Stormstar had just entered Starpack. Echopup could feel tears falling from his eyes. He remembered the one day that Stormstar let him and only him go out of camp with him, but it was only to the top of the closet hill. Stormstar had shown Echopup were the border between Ravenwolf Pack and the packs, Thunderpack and Windpack were. She had told Echopup that RavenWolf Pack was smack dap in the middle of the other packs except for the far thus right corner, which was the border the twolegplace. Echopup hadn’t realized he had fallen alseep until he felt Velpup shaking him and saying, “Echopup, get up, its time for the Elders to bury Stormstar.” Echopup got up and said, “How long was I asleep?” Velpup said, “You stayed in the same spot all night.” Echopup padded away from Stormstar’s body and said, “I was dreaming about the time she took me out of camp.” Redclaw padded over to the Highstump and said, “Let all wolves old enough to catch their own prey meet me under the Highstump for a pack meeting.” Wolves were padding out of the dens. Redclaw said, " It is time for me to choice another Deputy in place of me. I say these words before StarPack, that the spirits of our ancestors may hear and approve my choice. Deerclaw, will be the new deputy of RavenWolf Pack." Echopup’s ears perked up at the thought for his father being Deputy. Greyear, Velpup, and Echopup barked Deerclaw’s name the loudest.” Deerclaw padded up and said, “I’m honored that you chose me for deputy, Redclaw.” Redclaw said, “Now, it is time for Mourningdove, Brightpaw, and myself to take the journey to Moonfield to get my Leader name.” Deerclaw said, “May Starpack light your path, Redclaw.”