Alright as you can see this is for poetry. i enjoy writing poetry, reading poetry, i even think of it as my native language. so i will continue to post my poetry here, in the hope that some understand me.

I don't really expect much feedback on my poetry, but i am always open for conversation, and will listen to what you have to say.

i will continue to update when ever i feel poetic.

i hope you enjoy this unique view of my thoughts, and soul.

road killed friend

road killed friend
i know it wasnt so long ago
you were happy and tried to cross
the road
dont dissapeare and dont fret
dont worry now that your dead
i know that your gone
i know that they ran over
your furry little head
dont be scared at the place that i sent you
my friends are and will care for you
dont be sad i covered you with moss
its better than lying where you crossed
i first passed slowing for a kill
facinated by the body so still
first glace i thought you where a fox
second i was saddened as i saw your face
you shouldnt have been out here in the first place
your smoothe ginger fur still so clean
and less blood than expected
face was distord from the horror
and riggar just set from the scene
no one should run you over again
was bad enough they ran you down then
i know it wasnt so long ago
you were happy and tried to cross
the road
dont disapeare and dont fret
dont worry now that your dead
i know that your gone
i know that they ran over
your furry little head
dont be scared at the place that i sent you
my friends are and will care for you
dont be sad i covered you with moss
its better than lying where you crossed

ok, i made this for the road kill cat.good bye dear friend, i may never know you nor where you where headed. i may never know where you came from or your owner, but know that i met you once when you where dead and i will miss you.

im moving on

"I am moving on"

From here i gather the strength of friends and family, i ask for the strength to continue in a new life, one with less pain,
From now on i step forward a new generation of myself, i lock a door in my past,i will not apologize to you nor blame you,
From here i find my calm, this day/second forward i an different,
From here on forward i will do my best to forget the past and look only to those who are with me in the now.
I gather the strength from these friends and family, not to sway back to that door.

this is how i will be from now on, if i start to sway i will return here as a reminder that this is a past that should stay in the past, i made this as my first new years resolution even though today is the 11th, this is something that has to be done no matter what day it is, though i shouldnt forget, i should leave it, and so i gather strength and i make this promise.

