Closed Heart

I open to my heart to everyone.
People want me to be happy, yet,
Why am I always feeling so hurt?
My friends ask me and I tell them,
But they think nothing of it, so why bother

I close my heart now because I cannot
Stand the pain that I have with the love
Of my life gone. I know he is there, but why is
He not talking to me. I feel cold and lonely without
Anyone caring.

How can I be happy when I’m cut off from the very
Things that make me happy? Talking with my friends
Makes me happy, but, to have my happiness caged like
A tiger or leopard is something I don’t want. So I guess
For the rest of my life I will keep my heart closed to
Everyone and just tell them that I’m fine when
I’m really hurting deep inside. I don’t like pain. I
Never have and never will. So I will close myself
To everyone and not get hurt.

If only that were the truth.
