Looney team-up

It all started at Coney Island during a hurricane everybody was inside except one one crazy enough to stay outside Harley Quinn she wanted to see the craziness at the storm she also found something else to a box she wondered what was in it when's the open it and her way it was gossamer (the red hairy monster from the Looney Tunes) apparently his box it was on a ship but thanks for the storm it Fallen overboard then came to Shore where Harley founded it. well they had some fun then they were attacked by Killer Robots they got rid of the robots but who would send them probably had a good idea who her ex-boyfriend the Joker so they searched and searched they found the clown prince in the middle of getting rid of Batman!!!! C stop them for a bit and ask him if he was the one that sent the robots on to her you said no but I would be a good idea at the next time you have to get rid of someone he said now do you mind I'm in the middle of something he was going to dip Batman in malted green plastic 😱😱😱😱 but Harley decided to kick clown butt instead while fighting him gossamer was helping Batman get away from the plastic goop Batman was saying I got this i got this but he didn't he decided to join Harley kicking Joker butt, but the fight was over Harley knock them out and with a broken jaw too she told Batman that take him to the hospital so they can wire his jaw. And also he owes her a big favor 😁😁😁😁 after that Harley was able to get gossamer reunited with his boss she said her goodbyes and come visit next time she said who knew hurricane would bring this much fun 🤗🤗🤗🤗

How they met

This is how Harley Quinn first met bud and Lou (for those who do not know who are bud and Lou are ?? ) They are Harley Quinn's hyena Pals . You see long before she met the Joker!! She was a Gotham University college senior who had a roommate named Gabriella now you see they had gotten jobs at Gotham's Star Labs their jobs where to take care of the animals there from lizards to ferrets and two hyena Cubs . Well one night Harley never left something in the lab where the animals are being taken care of there see discovered that Gabrielle was doing not very nice things to them she was going to call security and the head doctor about what Gabriella was doing to them Gabriella did not want her experiments be spoiled they fought Gabriella had the upper hand but during the fight scene October the case where the Cubs were and it's open the caves for them since harleen was nice of the Cubs they helped her deal with Gabriella Harley won the fight Gabriella was kicked out of Gotham u for her cruelty to the animals years later she became the villain known as the grison a ferret like baddie!!! Who still has a score to deal with harleen and bud and Lou!!!🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Harley and Ivy

It's another night in Gotham City, and once again the Joker is fleeing the Batmobile in his own car, with Harley Quinn in the driver's seat. When Joker orders her to turn, she protests, but he orders again, and she does so – causing the car to careen down a construction hill. Irritably, he snaps at her to hand him his gun, which she does after rummaging through her bag. He takes gleeful aim at the Batmobile's tires, but the gun turns out to be a dud. Batman gets close enough to snag Joker's rear bumper with a tow cable. As he reverses, Harley presses a button and jettisons the boot, leaving the Batmobile behind.

Back at the hideout, Joker rants about Harley's screw-up with the gun. When Harley timidly mentions that she did get them away from Batman, Joker sarcastically asks if she thinks she's a better crook than him. She dares to say, "maybe," and he tosses her out of the hideout in a rage.

Defiantly, she decides to pull the original heist she planned herself. She goes to the Gotham Museum of Natural History to steal the Harlequin Diamond. She evades the security system with ease, but then the alarms are tripped by Poison Ivy, stealing specimens from the museum's lab. The two women are cornered by the police. Harley grabs one of the specimen bottles and shoots it with her popgun, creating a cloud of gas that disables the police and lets them get away. As they speed away in Ivy's car, she says, "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Ivy takes Harley to her latest hideout, a house in an abandoned housing development begun over a toxic waste dump. As they bond, Ivy is disgusted at Harley passive acceptance of Joker's abusiveness, and declares that Harley needs to buck up her self-esteem.

For their first official caper, they invade the men's-only Peregrinators Club, tie them up with dropped vine creepers, and then loot the trophy room. Before long, they are committing a spree of crimes all over town, enough to draw Batman's attention. They also become best friends, though Ivy is exasperated at Harley's undying affection for "that psychotic creep."

Elsewhere, Joker is missing Harley in his own fashion: without her, the hideout has become a mess. When he demands why she hasn't come back yet, one of his henchmen nervously shows him the latest headline: "New Queens of Crime." Joker is enraged that Harley is out-doing him as a crook. But he gets his chance when Harley secretly phones him from Ivy's house, allowing him to trace the call. At the same time, Batman analyzes a soil trace from one of their tire tracks, and realizes where they are hiding out. Batman gets there first, but is subdued by one of Ivy's creeper plants. The girls chain him to an old table and dump him into a chemical waste pit. But they re-enter the house to find Joker and his goons, eagerly scooping up their stolen gains. When Ivy protests, Joker gasses her with his boutonnière, but it doesn't work on her. She knocks Joker and his goons to the ground, then drags Harley along with her to make their getaway.

As his goons give chase, they are subdued by Batman, who has managed to escape the trap. Joker picks up a tommy gun and opens fire, despite Batman's warnings about the cocktail of flammable and explosive chemicals they're sitting on. Sure enough, a stray shot ignites a chemical drum, and soon the whole waste dump goes up in flames. Joker's goons flee, while Batman knocks Joker out and then saves them both in the Batmobile.

Speeding away in their car, Ivy exults, "no man can take us prisoner!" Then their car is disabled by a well-aimed shot from Renee Montoya. They are arrested, and sent to Arkham Asylum along with Joker. In Arkham, Joker swears that this is the last time he ever starts a gang with any women in it, while Ivy has some rather resentful feelings towards Harley.

mad love

Commissioner Gordon goes in for a dental appointment, only to find the Joker in the place of his dentist. Harley Quinn ties him to the chair, and just as Joker is about to kill the Commissioner, Batman crashes in. He tosses a pair of chattery teeth to the floor with disdain, and tells the Joker that the clue was easy to figure out, calling him sloppy and predictable. Harley interrupts Batman's bashing and claims credit for the idea, then stuns Batman with a spray of gas. She tosses out a pun about it, much to the Joker's outrage. As they make their escape, Joker tosses a grenade into Gordon's lap, but Batman hurls it out the window in the nick of time.

In the Funnibones warehouse, Joker is poring over various plans to kill Batman (in an appropriately humiliating yet comedic manner). He is so obsessive that he fails to notice Harley prancing around behind him in an alluring negligee, and when she announces herself, he irritably orders her away. Joker laments that his trap at the dentist's office was, indeed, "sloppy and predictable," and he must try harder to come up with the "perfect" means of defeating the Dark Knight. A little impatient, Harley asks "why don't you just shoot him?" However, the idea of murdering his archenemy in such a mundane manner enrages him. With mounting fury, he tells her that Batman's death must be "nothing less than a masterpiece!" and squirts his acid flower at a dummy of Batman, barely leaving Harley enough space to duck.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, Joker notices one of his old blueprints and becomes excited at his plan for "The Death of A Thousand Smiles" — lowering Batman into a piranha tank to be devoured — but then remembers why he dropped it in the first place: because he couldn't make the piranhas smile, defeating the whole theme. As he slumps in dejection, Harley resumes her advances - to which the Joker responds by kicking her through the door into a pile of garbage, near Bud and Lou.

Alone, Harley bemoans the sorry state of her life: whatever career she had as a legitimate psychiatrist is long gone, she's a wanted fugitive all over the country, and hopelessly infatuated with a psychopath who treats her like dirt. She starts to wonder where things went wrong for her... but her thoughts quickly swerve away from putting any blame on her beloved "pudding," and instead she concludes that Batman is the one who has always persecuted her happiness, as he has "from the very beginning..." Few years ago, Dr. Harleen Quinzel was a career-orientated psychiatrist interested in "extreme personalities," which led her to take an internship at Arkham Asylum. There, she met the Joker, who quickly started to work his charms on her. After placing a rose with a note inside her office (revealing that he was somehow capable of escaping his cell unseen), Harleen confronted him in private and threatened to turn him in, but Joker waved her off, saying that she would have already done it had she really meant to. He teases her by saying he likes her name, which could be easily tweaked into "Harley Quinn," a spin on the word "Harlequin."
Harleen was not amused, and walked away coldly, but then Joker said he would be willing to confide in her in therapy. The ambitious psychiatrist saw this as a potential landmark in her professional career, and grabbed the opportunity. After nearly three months of background research, Dr. Quinzel arranged a session with the Joker. She believed herself ready for any tricks he might pull on her - but instead she found him opening up to her. He confessed to having a traumatic childhood, with an alcoholic father who frequently beat him for no apparent reason. The Joker said that all he wanted to do in life was to make people laugh, and when he told her about some of his early routines, she found herself laughing helplessly with him - and then crying as he then said how his father responded to his jokes with more beatings. But, he shrugged, that's one of the inescapable truths of comedy: "You always take shots from folks who just don't get the joke." In a way, he mused, his father and Batman were a lot alike: their problem was, they just didn't "get" him. After several of these sessions, Dr. Quinzel became increasingly sympathetic to her patient, believing that his traumatic childhood had driven him to a life of crime, while Batman's continued persecution only prolonged his misery. Soon, Quinzel and her patient switched roles: she started to confide in him, and he reacted with understanding, explaining how, in her ambitious drive to make a success of her career, she had somehow forgotten how to have fun, and was needy for someone who could make her laugh. There was no question that now Dr. Quinzel had fallen head-over-heels in love with her patient.
Shortly after his latest esape from Arkham, Joker was recaptured and brought back by Batman, badly injured. The sight of her beloved, swathed in bandages, sent Dr. Quinzel over the edge. She stole a harlequin costume and various trick gags from a novelty store, then sneaked back into Arkham, neutralized the guards and broke the Joker free. Dubbing herself Harley Quinn, Harleen embraced a life of crime with her newfound love.
Harley decides that as long as Batman is around, she and Joker can never be happy, so she takes matters into her own hands. She sends a videotaped message to the GPD, warning them that Joker has gone totally crazy and is preparing a gas bomb that could kill the entire city. Telling the police that she has finally come to her senses, she promises to help them stop the plan, if they can protect her. Batman meets her at the docks, where she delivers a set of papers that seem to confirm the Joker's heinous plan. As Batman examines them, the Joker appears on a boat speeding towards the pier, calling Harley a traitor and opening fire with a submachine gun. Batman dives on top of Harley to protect her and hurls a batarang at the Joker, which cuts his head clean off. Batman looks again and sees that he's actually decapitated a robotic dummy, but his moment of shock is all Harley needs to inject him from behind with a sedative. When Batman wakes up, he has been chained from head to toe, relieved of his utility belt, and is hanging upside down over a piranha tank inside the empty Aquacade aquarium. Harley, noticing him awake, explains that the story about the gas bomb was a fake: her real goal is to finish him off, using one of her beloved's plans. All it needed, she realized, was to have Batman upside down when he was lowered in, thus making the piranhas' downturned mouths look like smiles. As Harley prepares to finish Batman off, she admits to some small regrets, since she's really enjoyed some of their escapades. But, in the end, all she wants to do is get Batman out of their lives so she and her "loving sweetheart" can settle down.

Hearing that, Batman, incredibly, begins laughing derisively. Unsettled by the fact that Batman never laughs, Harley tells him to stop, but then Batman lashes out at her with scorn, telling her that Joker has tricked her into thinking he actually cares for her, when she's nothing to him but an occasionally useful "hench-wench." Angrily, Harley rebuts that Joker trusts her, he confided secrets to her... to which Batman responds that Joker told those same lies many times before, and to many other people. Harley is severely shaken, but screams through her tears that Joker does love her, and killing Batman will win him back. Without further ado, she starts to lower him in, but Batman points out that Joker won't believe her, since the piranhas won't leave a body behind as proof. Nervously, Harley ponders her next move...
Back at the Funnibones warehouse, Joker is still poring over his plan ideas, while the phone is ringing incessantly. Fed up, he grabs the phone, and hears Harley's voice on the other line. But when he hears what she has done, Joker is livid at being upstaged and speeds to the Aquacade in his car. On his arrival, Harley runs lovingly toward him... only for him to strike her viciously to the ground. Confused, she asks what is wrong, and he says that only he can be allowed to kill Batman. Harley starts to explain that it is his plan she is using, only she has improved it - then Joker snatches the blueprints away and rips them to shreds, ranting that any joke that has to be explained to the audience is no joke at all. Menacingly, he advances on Harley, counting her as just one more person of the many he's had to cope with, who "don't get the joke" - and knocks her out the window, to plunge several stories down into a garbage heap.

Lying bruised but alive, Harley mumbles that it was her fault for not getting the joke.

Joker promptly swings Batman out from over the tank and lowers him to the table, while apologizing for Harley's impetuosity. He cheerfully proposes that they forget the whole fiasco occurred and take a raincheck for their next confrontation. He starts to walk away, whistling... But then he realizes that Harley has given him an opportunity too good to miss after all, and he'll go ahead and kill Batman himself. He flips the still-chained Batman onto his back and takes aim at his forehead with a gun, tossing out a lame pun and rejoicing that Batman is "going out on a laugh after all!"
But just as he pulls the trigger, Batman kicks the gun upward, so the shot shatters the piranha tank, releasing a flood of piranha-filled water that knocks Joker down. As Joker thrashes around, trying to pull off the piranhas nipping at his flesh, Batman flips to his feet, grabs his utility belt with his teeth, and manages to extract a lockpick and release his chains. Joker beats a hasty retreat, and Batman dashes after him. The Joker jumps out of the building, falling on the top of a moving train. While he pokes fun at Batman for not catching up, the Dark Knight somehow appears behind him. Batman confides that Harley actually came very close to killing him - much closer than the Joker ever has, in fact - and that he had no way out other than to trick her into calling him. Batman then teases the Joker by calling him "Puddin'" — Harley's pet name that he so loathes. Joker goes berserk and launches himself at Batman, leading to a brutal fistfight between the two. As the Joker finally pulls out a knife, Batman delivers such a fierce uppercut that it sends Joker flying off the train and falling, screaming, down a smokestack.
Back in Arkham, the inmates are watching Summer Gleeson on the news. She reports that Joker's body has not been found, but, although he has cheated death many times before, he is extremely unlikely to have survived this last encounter with Batman.

An injured Harley is wheeled to her cell, vowing internally to turn over a new leaf and leave the craziness behind her, finally seeing the Joker as the murderous psychopath he really is... but then she sees a flower and a get-well card signed "J." sitting on her nightstand, and that is all it takes to change her mind.

Joker's Millions

The Joker and Harley Quinn flee a botched attempt at a robbery, pursued by Batman and Batgirl. Joker's money problems come up constantly during the battle, as they cannot afford ammo for their gun, acid for Joker's boutonniere, or gas for the getaway car, and the Joker can only afford one ejector seat, which he uses to escape from Batman. In the meantime he ditches Harley, who is arrested and taken to Arkham Asylum. The Joker retreats to his low-income apartment and gets a sudden burst of glee when he reads a letter revealing that one of his criminal enemies, Edward "King" Barlowe, has passed away and left a staggering fortune of 2500 million to him.

The first thing Joker does with his money is assemble a team of shady lawyers and psychological experts who are able to erase Joker's criminal records and have him declared sane. Nightwing and Batgirl keep watch on Joker when a "going legit" party is held for him at the Penguin's Iceberg Lounge. To their chagrin, they wind up saving Joker when a disgruntled former bodyguard of Barlowe attempts to kill the clown. Joker continues to enjoy his new wealth. At Arkham, Harley is confident that Joker will eventually set her free, only to be outraged when she learns that Joker is holding auditions for a new "henchgirl". She makes an escape from Arkham, using the laundry chute. The Joker soon hires a new hench-girl, whom he dubs "Fake Harley."

Problems soon arise for the Joker when he learns that he owes the Internal Revenue Service a large inheritance tax. When he opens his vault to gather the necessary cash, he finds that all of his remaining money is counterfeit. He also finds a videotape.

On the tape, Barlowe leaves a message from his deathbed, explaining that the inheritance was a scam to get Joker into exactly the fix in which he now finds himself: having to choose between going to jail for tax evasion or else admitting that Barlowe fooled him, thus becoming a laughingstock in the underworld. Barlowe finishes by cackling that he had the last laugh on his old rival after all - causing Joker to shoot the television in rage.

Joker chooses a third option, returning to crime to rebuild his fortune, but decides to commit normal crimes so that no one suspects he is behind them.

Joker attempts to steal a load of money from the Gotham Mint as it is transported by boat. So that no one will notice his absence, the Joker hires one of his thugs to pose as him in the Iceberg Lounge. But Batman sees through the disguise and interrogates the thug until he reveals Joker's scheme.

Batman, Batgirl and Nightwing are able to successfully capture the Joker, Fake Harley and their goons, even though at one point Joker tries to commit suicide as an alternative to losing his money. In the paddywagon, Joker is ready to laugh off the whole fiasco, but he finds that the police officer supervising him is actually Harley in disguise, and she repays his disloyalty by beating him with a nightstick.