
Ricks best friend, while he seems so loyal to him, he carrys a huge secret he doesn't ever want to tell.

Name: Jimmy Lycnh
Age: 20
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130 lbs
Birthday: July 1, 1991
Birthplace: Wisconsin
Hair Color: Pale Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Ethnicity: 1/2 Polish 1/2 Swedish
Style: Punk
Position: Singer

Appearance: He has very pale skin, and light blond hair, with big brown eyes. Always seen with a smile on his sunken face. Useoally has on tight camofluage pants, and a spiked jacket.

Personality: Immature to a fault, Jimmy loves nothing more then to have fun, and party none stop. He's always happy and optimistic. He's also nice, and always up for a new adventure. He can be rather slow at some moments.
