Welcome to [ PHOTOSHOP-ERS ] Unite.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a moderator?
To become a moderator on PSU you have to be experienced with Photoshop, be active on theOtaku, and be willing to post in PSU atleast once a month. There also needs to be less than 10 moderators currently active. If the creteria is met, PM Kami about wanting to become a moderator and she'll add you to the Guest Poster list.

What does "PSU" stand for?
It's short for "[ PHOTOSHOP-ERS ] Unite."

How do you _______________ on Photoshop?
For all Photoshop related questions, please go to the Question Box.

Where can I download Photoshop?
A free version of Photoshop CS5 & CS6 can be downloaded here.

➤ Updated: 06.07.13