This carefully padded world is dedicated to the fictional people in my head and their various opinions, outbursts, arguments, and out-of-conrol emotions. Just a brief overview of the characters in this twisted story:

Logic: the smart one. She has few emotions and cares very little about what others think as long as the logical course of action is being taken. Is willing to sacrifice happiness or other meaningless emotions in favor of academic success.

Rebellion (Reb): represents everything that one should not do. She swears constantly, has extreme violent outbursts, and does not really care what anyone else wants her to do. Just out for the thrill. Her solution for any situation is likely painful and violent.

Eros: the complete opposite of Logic. She is on emotional overload 24/7. Cannot live without constant emotional attention. Always stands up for the course of action that is emotionally best without examining the logical course. Not very bright, giggles, whines, and is continually beat up by Rebellion.

Denny: an adorable, golden retiever puppy that Eros found. This miniature canine also happens to be Rebellion's only known weakness.

Enjoy the madness!


(Things are looking bad for the inhabitants of moonshine7's mind, as Eros finally realizes that she has control. Will Rebellion make it back before moonshine's brain is drenched in glitter and... pinkness?! Warning: may contain language.) ...

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The Search Continues

(Situation: Rebellion has gone to look for Denny, the missing puppy, while Logic enjoys her newly found power... or she would be, if Eros wasn't still there.)

Logic: Please! For the love of Shakespeare, will you leave this vicinity!

Eros: Shakespeare? Is he your boyfriend?

Logic: How do you get stuff like this from what I say?

Eros: Awww! Logic has a boyfriend!

Logic: This is absolutely ludicrous! I am not dating Shakespeare!

Eros: Poor Logic. I never thought you would be one to deny your true feelings.

Logic: I don't have feelings! And Shakespeare is dead!

Eros (gasping): You killed him?! 0.0


Rebellion: Gah! Where is that stupid dog? Come here, you flea-bitten, furry animal!

(Rebellion has been wandering around in the darkest places of moonshine7's mind for several days and has yet to glimpse any trace of Denny because, in fact, Denny is very far away... well not really. He's actually been following Reb. If only she wasn't too proud to retrace her own steps... Anyway, back to Logic and Eros)

Logic: Look, I'm going to go take a nap. Will you leave me alone while I sleep?

Eros: If you keep killing your lovers, you'll always be alone.

Logic: Gah! I can't stand idiots! Where are those sleeping pills?!

(After several minutes of frantic searching, Logic find the pills and downs three of them. She passses out on the floor a few moments later. Eros stares blankly at Logic's motionless body until something suddenly occurs to her.)

Eros (gasping with surprise): Does this mean I'm in control now?

(Wow, things are definitely getting worse. Fortunately, moonshine7's mind has a little while to brace for the shock as Eros waits for the answer to her question. Hopefully, Reb will find Denny soon. Well, that's all for now so ttyl!)

A Logical Solution

(Situation: Logic has taken control of moonshine7's mind, right in time for summer break! Eros is terribly frightened and Rebellion is severly pissed, but the only question on everyone's mind is.... what happened to Denny?) Reb: Great, so m...

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On the subject of Reality

(Situation: Rebellion's sleeping pills have just worn off and she has now realized that Logic has taken over. Needless to say, Reb is not happy. Warning: may contain language ^^")


Logic: Really? You, a figment of another person's mind, will "kill" me, a figment of that same person's mind?

Reb: I'm not listening to your stupid brain washing crap! I will destroy you!

Logic (sighing): I cannot be destroyed and neither can you. We're not real.

There is an eerie pause.

Reb: SH*T!

Eros enters with tears on her face.

Eros (sobbing): Denny ran away!

Reb: No one cares! Go die somewhere.

Logic: Unfortunately, that is imposssible.

Reb: Oh my God! I'm going to strangle you, Logic!

Logic: Wouldn't do any good.


Reb runs out of the room feeling absolutely worthless. Logic chuckles mirthlessly.

Eros (ignoring what has happened): Logic, Denny ran away!

Logic: I'm sure he had a good reason.

Eros: What would ever make my dear, sweet, cutsie wootsie Denny-poo run away?

Logic: That sentence may have had something to do with it.

Eros: You're so mean, Logic! Making fun of Eros like that!

Logic: I don't even have to say anything to make fun of you. You do that for me.

Eros (confused): But how can Eros make fun of Eros when Eros is me?


(Well, mercifully, i shall stop there. Hopefully something will be resolved between the three in the next few weeks ^^" until then, bye!)

Can Cute Conquer Evil?

(Situation: O.K. well, today there is not definite situation. This is just a pointless ranbling due to bordem. Oh, and btw, i would like to thank ElvesAteMyRamen for noticing that the picture i had put up was fanart. I didn't even think to look ^^...

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