pain ch. 1

Sleepily, shiin looked at the man blissfully eating ramen beside him, kiba narashi. he had relatively short, dark-blue hair that was pulled into a short pony tail at the nape of his neck. just as dark as his hair, he had the most exurciatingly beautiful green eyes. when you looked into them, it was like looking into a semi foggy pond, where you could see fish swimming around, but never be really sure if they were there or not. snapping out of his thoughts, shiin rested his head on his hand and began to speak. "may i ask why exactly you've been stalking me all day mr.kiba?" the pale-haired red head asked with a ayown. a nervous chuckled escaped the young polic chief. "heh, heh.. you noticed that did you?" "*sigh* of course i did, baka, it was too obvious not to notice!" 'my arm's starting to hurt..' agate thought worriedly. "well, to tell the truth, i have no idea.." the room seemed to be getting colder, it was getting slightly to breath, and above all, shiin's arm hurt like hell. in an attempt to ease the pain, the teen subconsciously gripped his injured arm. this didn't go unnoticed by his day stalker. "hey, are you ok?" "s-sorry.. i have to go," as he stood up his legs felt wobbly. quickly, shiin left the cafeteria and headed for the old art classroom. 'damn, i don't need this crap now!' he could hear footsteps coming toward the room; everything was getting blurry. "shiin? hey, are you alright? hey!" shiin was on the floor, puting something on his arm. narashi couldn't see because the teen's back was turned to him. "shiin?" catuously, narashi moved toward the now shivering teen. once he reached his fellow classmate, he knelt down in front of him to get a proper look at what was going on. "what's wro-" "GO AWAY!!.. j-just... leave me... alone.." the oldest agate sibling practically begged; eyes shut tight, breathing labored, and face flushed. a large hand found its way to a boiling forehead, only to be slapped away by a slightly smaller one. "my god, you're burning up! you need to go to a hospital. the nurse at least.." "NO!no... doctors... or n-nurses... leave me... alone!" shiin panted. narashi was starting to get angry. "damnit agate! if something isn't done, you could die! and since you won't go to a doctor, at least let me help you!" frustrated, narashi punched a patch of floor near shiin, creating a dull thud. shiin cringed at the sound, and reluctantly stopped arguing. "...ok, do you know why you're sick?" kiba narashi asked softly. not wanting to waste energy, shiin merely grabbed his arm as another wave of pain came over him. swiftly getting the meaning narashi grabbed the boy's arm, none-too-gently, and pulled up the sleeve; a hiss of pain left shiin's mouth as he winced. "my god.." gently the raven unwound the bandages around shiin's arm. "five deep cuts, and multiple scratches... who did this?" even is shiin wanted to, he couldn't have spoken; he'd lost consiousness a few moments ago. "shit!" soon shiin's shirt was removed and used for a towel. the teen had nice muscle form, but his skin was all discolored and scarred from what looked like beating. "what the hell's happened to you?" narashi asked quietly as he cleane the unconscious teens wounds, and attempted to cool his body. his interest was now officially captured.
(srry if the chapters are kinda short^^)
