Welcome to Fanfic! such an uncreative name oh well :P

It's an AU about D.Gray-Man that is happening *now* Twenty-first century with all the living D.Gray characters and our own characters ^w^

Enjoy the randomness!

*if you want extra info on any character (besides ones I've done extra on) just PM/comment and I will ^^

Characters and intro-ish thing
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Prolouge [for "Captured"]

Full Name: Caitta Nakamo

Date of Birth: November 5, 1996

Current Age: 15

Job Title: Exorcist

Place of Employment(i.e. branch, department, ect.): Headquarters


I still don't really understand the mission reports, but I guess I have to fill one out anyway. Hehe. But we've already sort of told everyone about what happened, and it wasn't very fun...my hair is so short now! They all seemed surprised too, apparently I'm supposed to be in a state of shock or something? It doesn't make sense, I'm perfectly fine. Or well I feel fine, except for all the random memories. Some of them, I think, were of when I was younger, but a lot showed places I don't know and people I've never heard of. Oh well!

At least they let me write this in my room! Aki is keeping me company even though he fell asleep, hehe, silly kitty. Then, I'm not sure of what to write. Like I said, we've already told what happened before so why do all of us have to write it out? Again the mission reports confuse me.

Bret talked to me earlier about the memories, he said that they weren't very significant, at least the ones I didn't recognize. Somehow because he's the Memory he remembers everything that's happened to us over the centuries. (By us I mean the Noah) It seems like that would be hard, right? He's always so happy though, sort of like me, but I don't have a past to worry about really...I mean the only close family I have left is Skin...sigh...I know he tries...and now I've sort of come around, after all this.

I'm getting sidetracked...but I don't want to tell it all out again! It just seems cruel to make us keep reliving it, but Komui has to have these reports...oh well...

She's all like...sentimental and stuff ._. eeeh...
Anywho, yes Caitta's doing one too :P being her usual "hehehe" self (pff) even after the BIG ORDEAL :D
OH! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh OH! I got an idea of how to write this thing out (in case it wasn't how it was going already) SO we each write from the perspective of Kaly/Kyan/Kirnen/Zeron/Kanda/Kirnen! that would be cool :3

Prolouge [for "Captured"]

Full Name: Kyan Ella Krory (Konami)

Date of Birth: July 28, 1995

Current Age: 16

Job Title: Exorcist

Place of Employment(i.e. branch, department, ect.): Headquarters


This is so goddamn stupid. I slam my head down on the keyboard. As if the Order didn't know EVERYTHING already. I shouldn't have to fill this stupid thing out. What's the point. They don't need like 6 accounts of the SAME DAMN EVENT. Me, Caitta, Kaly, Kanda, Kirnen and Zeron, then a report from the Chief. I wasn't even... there... for most of this anyway!!! What am I supposed to write? "0800 Hours: DEAD. 0900 Hours: Dead?!" It's pointless. I wish I could talk to someone, but Komui wants to avoid emotional conflict. Frankly, I think it's a bit late in the game for that.
They put me in a little office in the infirmary. I wanted to go with Kanda but apparently I'm still "emotionally unstable" and can't be trusted outside this stupid ward. They're afraid that I'll start attacking people again. They think I need to be monitored like a baby and I hate it. I'm not going to die AGAIN. Duh. I have my Innocence back and I'm FINE. For the most part.
Physically, I'm more than healthy, but mentally; even I don't know any more. I just fall asleep for days at a time. I have crazy dreams every night where I watch myself dying. I'll look around me and forget where I am or what I'm doing. Apparently these are "side effects." Nobody will tell me what though. I watch this one kid die all the time. It's so weird because I feel like it's me, but it's this little boy standing in a field of bodies. I tell people and they just nod and whisper to each other, like they know something about me that I don't. I better get going before I fall asleep again.


I wanted to write more but it would be SPOILERS XD XD
I've decided Kyan doesn't know who her Innocence belonged to (Alma) and so she doesn't know what to make of these dreams :P because she doesn't know who he is...

Prolouge [for "Captured"]

Full Name: Kaly Katelyn Kimino

Date of Birth: July 24, 1994

Current Age: 17 years

Job Title: Exorcist

Place of Employment(i.e. branch, department, ect.): Headquarters


I always hated this part of the Order's Mission Reports. I mean, the Order already knows all this crap anyway. They have records, for God's sake. It just wastes time.

But today, this part of the report comes as a relief. Everything i just filled out, I knew. It was all facts; orderly, clear. It distracts me from what I have to do now; what I have to write in order to fill out the rest of the report.

To stall from that, I take a look around Reever's office, which is where I was placed to write the Mission Report. Usually, all members of a mission, if there was more than one, can be in the same room to fill their reports out. Most of them go into the conference room, which provides the peace and quiet needed to write said report. (Except if Kanda and Allen are writing one. Then it's horribly loud.)

But today, Komui decided that it'd be best if we (Kyan, Caitta, and I) were each placed in separate rooms. Less distractions, he said. Less "conflicting emotions." At first I thought that might actually be a good idea. Now, though, I really want my friends.

I focus my gaze back on my paper, wincing slightly from the pain of my arm. The stitches, put in over 2 weeks ago, still hurt. Tenderly, I pick up my pen, take a deep breath, and force my mind to go back just over a month ago. Shaking a little, i begin to write....

I know, I know. You were expecting some actual story here, not just a bunch of crap that really has nothing to do w/the actual plot.

I'm sorry but i really wanted to write something like this. I expected to start writing the real story in this post, but i got a little sidetracted.... ^^;

Real story is coming!!!! really, it is!!!!



Are cool. They should have an undercover thing. Also Kaly and I think someone should come and do psych evaluations for all of them; it would be a good way toget everyone's pasts down on paper!!!


As you may know, Verizon has gotten rid of FUNimation channel.

So, as otakus, it is our job to bring it back!!!

We have to call, email, write letters, post on facebook, and do anything else possible to tell verizon to keep the channel

If we do that enough, we might be able to bring the channel back.

You have to send an email.

It doesnt matter if you dont have Verizon.

It doesnt matter what country you live in.

It doesnt even matter if you dont have a TV.

We have to do whatever we can to bring back the channel.

Post this in all of your worlds.

Guest worlds.

And RPs.

It doesnt matter if it is off topic, all that matters is us saving FUNimation.