online gaming

I have played my fair share of online gaming and have to decided to stick with playing with just my friends.Why because of the idiots on the other end of the connection the other twelve or so idiots you may be teamed up with or against.Usaully a gamer would log onto his psn or xboxlive account look at his friends list and see which of his friends are online and well try to play with them.Thats how it usually goes right or thats what i do.It gets on my nerves when its you and your friends playing together ya'kno maybe you guys have a mic and are chatting just being friends.And all of a sudden some jackass from the other team or some random ass person that joined the room starts flapping his mouth off.You say nothing to the guy well that is until he gets on your nerves.Also don't you hate when your playing a online game like uncharted 3 and the other team is talking so much shit and then lose and now all of a sudden your a hacker or lagging.(-_-)I know right.And then when their team finally wins they return to talking shit.?One more thing I play UMVC:3 alot I'm just a competitive person liike that.But For all of those UMVC:3 players don't you hate it when playing online that you've been practicing a combo for about a week and you master this combo that you think will bring the money home and you go online to test out your new found abilities(because being able to do a combo majority of the time combo means winning)And your luck meter couldn't be worse because not only did you get to fight the pro player but you don't even get a get to see you work your magic because magic isn't real and this guy and kicks your ass with a combo thats longer than life itself.Well that all I wanted to talk about,If you want leave a comment subscribe if you wish and keep it cool.....
