Anime Central Update

Yep, it's been a while. I'd like to say I got Geass'd into forgetting, but... anyway, here's a quick roundup.

My Mama Always Told Me Stupid is as Stupid Does...

Cryptic title, amusing thread. Encounters with anime-bashing in all its forms are old hat for many fans, but the article discussed here comes equipped with its own special brand of willful ignorance. Well, I got a kick out of it, at any rate. On a not entirely unrelated note...

Most Controversial Anime

Hey, look, the conversation's already turned to tentacles!

Death Note Movie (live action) has been given a limited theater release in May 2008.

Anyone planning on trying to see this? Personally, I dunno--I love Death Note and all, but somehow I always got the sense that the trailers alone would be more than enough to satisfy me in the live-action (plus CG Ryuk) department. I suppose I'll see if the promo that's supposed to run in front of Iron Man does anything extra to really inspire me.
