A new post?! Holy Heart-shaped moons, ish the Apocalypse! Oh wait...


Two small children ran across a field laughing and playing as children do. They continued on their merry way as the sun edged itself across the vast sky.
Reaching a large tree, they finally stopped and sat. A bird nearby hopped about, fluttering and flitting it's wings til it came to rest atop the head of the older of the two boys. This incited more laughter, even after the bird and taken flight and gone on it's own way.

"Big brother, tell me what mom looked like again.." the younger boy started.

"Again? But you remember her face too don't you? We are twins after all, we remember the same things..." He was only a few minutes older, but that was enough reason for the younger boy.
They were twins by birth not in looks, while the younger's hair was long and pure white the other had short, almost reddish blonde hair. But that never seemed to matter to the two, they were connected by a invisible link none the less and were rarely ever apart.

"I can't remember her face as well as you cause you were born first, please Kharon?"

"Alright Eris..." the boy laughed. "Mom had long blonde and brown hair, not as long as your's of course but still long. And kind, bright green eyes, and I can see her smile still." he looked up at the sky, remembering every detail of her face. His amethyst eyes focused and yet gentle.

Eris was quiet at first, but then spoke. "Where did mom go?'

"Father says she had to go away for a while, but that she'll come back one day." Kharon returned his gaze back to his brother.

Eris remained quiet now and looked at his feet, as if thinking of something. "Think...it'll be soon?"

Seeing the sadness on his face, Kharon stood and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "It may hurt and it seems like a long time, like time isn't really going anywhere...but one day it won't seem so long anymore and the pain will stop."

Eris looked at his brother, then nodded and smiled again.

"Now c'mon, we should get back home before someone comes looking for us."

"Right.." he stood and followed his brother, while the night started to set in.


Opening my eyes, I slowly sat up and sighed.
Another dream..it seemed that was all I did since my mirror broke. Not just dreams, memories...things I'd tried to forget.

"Finally up I see..." a voice spoke up.

I looked to the door where the voice had come from. "How long was it this time, Karonx..."

"You're been out for a few days now, and already you've missed so much" he grinned.

"Really now, where is fa--Xerebus then."

"He's currently in Castle Oblivion...well Tanex's Castle Oblivion to be exact, the recreated Oblivion of his Master. Seems Tanex is planning something again and he asked Xerebus for help...actually 'help' isn't the exact word to use here, more like...some assisstance."

"So, Tanex is making his move and Xerebus plans to go along with it?"

"Good to see that sleep hasn't dulled your perception any, Serix."

"Well then..." I slowly standing up from my bed. "Perhaps I should pay them a visit.."

"You're not going simply to pick a fight I trust...and just walking in isn't exactly the best move."

Opening a portal, I turned back to him. "No to worry, I simply need to speak to Xerebus. I have no interest in fighting needless battles today." With that, I stepped through the portal.

I made my way through the abyss until I reached my destination I stepped out of the portal and into a unfamilar hallway. No one in the area but I could just sense them here, mostly Tanex....and I knew at least one of them would sense me here.
"Well, can't say I walked in blind."
I stood still and focused for a moment searching for Xerebus' energy, but was interupted before I could locate him.

I quickly dodged some of the ice spires flying at me and cut the rest in half with my sword.
"Well then, you're as friendly as ever I see, RaXi..." I gave a smirk.



Well, here ya go Kira...if you have any questions or need a bit of help, let me and Ash know. //_^

We've all been bored waiting for Oblivion to come out of a coma, so I'm gonna try forcing it out of a coma. It's been far too long...and we miss Soji. //.=
Marlex will be a'herdin' the nobody sheep next time, so be prepared.
