Hi everyone! Nice to see you!
Soooo for my intro I'm just going to tell a bit about myself. Here we go!

~Currently taking marine biology and Japanese studies in college.
~My first anime was Neon Genesis Evangelion in 3rd grade and also watch Princess Mononoke at the same age. Great stuff to watch as s kid right? ^o^/
~YAOI IS THE BEST!!! Fujoshi to the core here!
~Born in Southern California and live in Alaska, no joke.
~I have arachnophobia (fear of spiders) for real. Clowns, ghost, zombies and such don't bother me at all. It's the spiders!!
~Mostly of European descent from my mom's side (Austrian, Polish, English) and Hawaiian on my dad's
~Aspiring to be an author and I have a novel in the works.
~I'm bisexual and a supporter of LGBT so no hating.

That's just some of the things. I'm open to random questions a whatnot.
So can we be friends?


To those that do read my blog I am really sorry for the absence!
Got held up in life and all but I'll try to be more active here I promise! >~<

Solitaire and Writer's Block

Solitaire is my favorite old school game. No joke. It actually helps me think. People think it's weird, but I love it. Whenever I have writer's block, its helps me. And I always get writer's block at the worst time. My story is going so well then BAM! I just stop. >3< It's so frustrating!
So I just grab a deck of cards and play Solitaire. It really works for me.

How My Day Usually Is

I suppose you could say I have an easy life. Maybe a little lazy too. I spend most of my waking hours on the computer working. Yes, WORKING. What do I do? Well, mostly college courses online and sometimes actually going to the college 'cause some of my classes are close to late at night. As an aspiring novelist, I'm usually typing away on my stories, editing, changing everything, working on the cover, and stuff like that. I also write fanfiction for the fun of it.
Though I like video games, I'm not one of those super gamers because 1) I don't have the time 2) I live in a very strict household 3) why am I still living at my home? I got into a nasty accident and pretty much broke my back so I'm staying home to recover and not try and get myself killed.
As for anime and manga, read and watch it every chance I get. Again, I'm not one of those super otakus that knows every little detail about the characters or has seen 100+ series. I enjoy it a lot for the series I know and I'm always open to new suggestions. I'm also working on a manga and trying to better my art skills.
So there, that's kinda what the average day is like for me ^w^
