13 Days of Anime: Karneval

Welcome to the first 13 Days of Anime, where I will review a 13-episode anime episode by episode, one for each day (may be posted a day before or after designated day, according to conflicting schedules). Karneval shall be the first to be watched for this occasion. Warning, there will be spoilers

Day 1

Ho. Ly. Cow.

Can I first say that I absolutely love how they did the credits? No opening song to slow you down, just throw you right into the action without bring much focus on the credits themselves... it felt like movie credits. Like I was sitting down to watch a full-length movie, not a thirty minute episode.

The characters... well, so far only two of them have much development at all, but hey, it's the first episode. Nai's character is especially interesting, adds to the whole mystery feeling...

Oh, and, about the mystery, you can tell its deep. There's a lot going on that we don't know about yet, (heck, we don't know anything about anything yet still), and if they manage to answer all my questions, then it'll make this anime amazing, if they don't, well... It can easily crash and burn. I'm cheering for it, though! I really am excited!

Oh, yeah, and it's not all just mystery. We have freakin' action. Some really good action, too.

But its epicness' roots all lie deep in the animation... holy cow. It.... I didn't look at it closely, but it kind of reminds me of Black Butler in all its detail, except it's so fast-paced that it's really a luxury. But seriously... the detail... holy cow there was this one part where it shows a breath-taking background, but it only shows it for a couple of seconds before it moves on to the next part. Also, the eyes... they're not Amnesian full-blown epicness, but they do carry a bit of that one-eye-two-color thing. If you know what I'm saying.

Nai's kinda hot, too. That's always a bonus.

As for the ending song... loved it. I didn't really too much attention to the lyrics or the background because it was one of those songs that you're happy just listening to.