Peter The Pidgeotto

This is just a little how to role play me to be able to help out anyone to help write me into their posts. :D

-First off I am blind so if you greet me I will say hello but please don't get offended if I'm not "looking" at you.
-Secondly I am very sarcastic and I have no problem shooting comments back at you. But When it comes to something serious I will always try to help out and try to tell you my opinion if you want to hear it.
-I do make fun of myself from time to time with me being blind.
-I do have really good hearing so if you are trying to keep a conversation between you and whoever you are talking to you better make sure that I'm not around.
-I can walk around with out others guiding me. If I get lost and your around to help me out you don't need to take my hand I will listen to your footsteps to follow you.
-I don't know what I look like but I am willing to be someone's dress up doll if they want to dress me up. I don't know what I'm wearing so I don't really care. As long as I can still move and I am comfortable.
-Most of the time if you seem me I will have either a guitar or a violin with me. I love music and I like to entertain people with my music.
(Will get longer the more that I am used in RP's~)