My oblivious take on life and the oblivious things that happen to me.

Me else where on the web
Second art account
My formspring


This is the many weeks or trigun for me, i will be releasing trigun funnys

Life update.

So im still trying to get back into the groove of art.

I will try to get out at least one card a week. brimming with ideas.


Ok my life is epic fail! im not accomplishing anything i want. There just too many things on my mind, i need a clean slate. I cant wait till the summer, then I will finally be back to the HOME. Art cards, worlds they shall all be updated.

Until then wait till Air-Dragon Strikes Back!! and wish me well in the miserable world of life, egh..



Starting a redone of an artwork today already started that i planned long ago, art is officially back!

im having a great day after a plate of delectable ceaser salad! Nothing can go wrong to spoil my day

even if my legs tried to kill me

even tho a lame event tried to bore me to death

even tho i heard bad news

even tho i'm really going to hate the next two weeks!

Thank you for listening to this important service announcement.

pawn of the day

This made my day

Via kotaku

PSP2 Will Ditch the UMD, May Rival Xbox 360 In Horsepower.

Now do you think the 360 sucks?

The bad there is also reports of some touch screen capability which means Sony is ounce again trailing in Nintendo's foot steps.

Come one Sony be original...

Well Sony's press conference is tomorrow so hopefully will get the true scoop soon.

Im still getting the 3ds for dead or alive 3d most likely.