Hey, it's Jess!

I had a whole bunch of info up here originally, but I decided to take it down and just type this instead. I'm a 21 year old trash that's not quite come ready to grow up, but isn't quite wanting to stay young either. I have a odd obsession with turtles, I think they're the cutest things ever. TMNT, LoZ, and Sonic the Hedgehog are three of my most beloved franchises. Give me some cheesecake and I'll be your friend forever.

Deviantart account: Click!

Tumblr account: Click!

Youtube account: Click!


Ristar American ending credits!!! You will listen to it and love it!


So, I need a college text book for one of my classes, and the stupid postal system said it'd be here today, but hey lied! I have homework due tomorrow, and how can I do it if they don't mail my book on time! When they frickin' say they're going to have it here by a certain day and the see what type of thing they're frickin' mailing they need to get it there by the time they said they were going to get it there! Now I'm going to fall behind in my college class and I don't know if I can catch back up! GYAH!!!!

*sigh* Sorry I just had to rant for a little bit. Thanks for putting up with it, it's sad that I'm still in high school, but I'm taking college classes...well not too sad. I'd be just fine if I HAD MY BOOK!

Here's the LITERAL Harry Potter 7 part 2 trailer for yous guyz!
