Hey, it's Jess!

I had a whole bunch of info up here originally, but I decided to take it down and just type this instead. I'm a 21 year old trash that's not quite come ready to grow up, but isn't quite wanting to stay young either. I have a odd obsession with turtles, I think they're the cutest things ever. TMNT, LoZ, and Sonic the Hedgehog are three of my most beloved franchises. Give me some cheesecake and I'll be your friend forever.

Deviantart account: Click!

Tumblr account: Click!

Youtube account: Click!


Ristar American ending credits!!! You will listen to it and love it!

I've found it!

I have officially found what I want for my birthday....or once I raise enough extra money that I can go out and get it. This is going to be totally nerdy and you'll think I'll completely lame, but that's okay.

For the longest time now I've been a pretty big fan of TMNT, a lot of the merchandise is really expensive and completely out of my range. One of the things I've really wanted for the longest time now has been the original comics. I thought all hope was lost until I discovered that they they have started to be compiled into a hardcover collection! ANNNNNND~ I'd be in my range to go buy if I can earn a little extra money (Or can possibly wait until August when my b-day rolls around) Oh goodness I'm so happy! I don't know if I'll ever get-----no, I don't know WHEN I'll start getting them, but now I have a goal! Yeah!


P.S. Sorry for not being very active lately! I'll try really hard to post more, but I've been working on a pretty big project lately in hopes of getting a scholarship.

Livestream Promise!

I hear by give you this promise. No matter how late it is for me or how tired I am I will livestream for a couple hours today! I promise you this! My timezone is Mountain time so at this moment it's 1:36 pm. I've got marching band, and my mom is possibly coming today to give me something, so I will most likely not start streaming until past 8 pm for me, but I will stream! This much is certain!


Now here's the most random music video you'll ever see. Let me tell you something first. The singers are Swedish and have absolutely no idea what they're singing. Keep that in mind if you start watching this. Heheheheheheh, my roommate showed this to me last night and I just watched it with my mouth open the whole time in amused shock.

Free Weekend!!!!! :D

I'm so sorry for disappearing guys! I've been so busy the past month! That's what university marching band does do you. But after the game on friday I'll have a free weekend and try to draw and upload lots of stuff! So if you have any requests or ideas just comment and tell me them! Just because you say something doesn't mean I'll 100% do it. I'd still need inspiration for the picture, but you can see!

But yes, ideas for picture over the weekend? Fanart would be great, but any idea will do!


Now about this video, I must tell you that the subtitles aren't accurate. But why this video is so funny is because two days before my marching professor showed this to us this EXACT same situtation happened before practice. Now, you may enjoy Hitler losing his cool!

What ticks me off.

Sorry, I'm in a kinda bad mood at the moment, and I just need to rant. I'm tired, dirty, and my day still isn't over. So if you don't want to read a bit a ranting please stop now. (Hey, I can still me nice while angry!)

So, what ticks me off. You know those people that go around and leave comments on picture about everything wrong about it? So, you look at the picture and you can see a couple things that are off with what they said, but it doesn't really take away from the picture. So you go to the person's profile that was critisizing, yes critisizing not critiquing, you work and you learn that they don't draw better than you. In fact they are really a lot worse than you. So you sit there and go, "Why the crap are they giving all this critisizing when they can't draw as well as me?" Then you get in a bad mood because you were just trolled and you had a long day to begin with. Ooooooh just ticks me off! I don't think people to critisize when they can't do as they preach. Critiquing is fine because people are trying to bring you up and make you better and they usually say everything in a nice way. Oh gosh, I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rage:

*sigh* Oh, that felt much better. Sorry about that guys. I didn't want to get all mean and out of character on you all, but I had to say it. I really do hate people that freakin' troll your art and can't draw how they say you should. It really frickin' ticks me off. Now on a happier note.....I don't have a happier note at the moment....wait....I just drank some grapefruit juice! Man, I love the stuff!


I'm SOOOOOO sorry!

I'm so very sorry that I've just sorta....stopped posting stuff. I've just recently moved into my dorm at college and just started up with marching band, so I'm very busy all day long! Really, i've only got 3 hours during the day for myself until 8:30 at night when I'm dead tired....(like now) I'll try my best to upload something. I do have a simple little thing in the works right now, but that might even me a couple of days before that gets finished. So do not worry! I'll still comment and reply to things, but the art is going to be very slow in coming.


Just recently discovered this song on Facebook. It's pretty good Amore sung my Megurine Luka