Talon-chapters 1 & 2

Chapter 1
That was the only coherent thought he had. And so he did, as fast he could. He heard a shout behind him, like someone was enraged that he dare try to escape from them. The boy barreled through the door, and skidded around a corner, aiming straight for a door that had a sign saying "exit." If he hadn't been filled with unexplainable fear, he would have laughed at the irony. As he burst out into the open air, he paused, unsure of where to go. The boy heard another cry behind him, and he turned. To his shock (and horror,) he saw something he would never forget. Three humanoid creatures were at the other end of the hallway he had just left. They all had a wolfish physique, and something told the boy that these beings were not natural. He turned and fled once again, heading into the forest that was a dozen yards away.

As the boy tore into the woods, he could hear heavy breathing and panting right behind him. He heard one of them below, "Get him! Don't let him get away this time!" 'This time?' The boy thought. 'Have I done this before?!' He shook the thought aside, but before he could rake another breath, he tumbled into a clearing, and he fell forward into space. He realized he must have fallen over a cliff. Some internal instinct told I'm to move muscles he didn't know he had, and suddenly, he was somehow flying. He pushed down strongly, and he was roaring up past the top of the cliff. The wolf men had shocked looks on their faces, but that was the last thing the boy saw of them before he soared into the sky.