The Princess and The Spider

Untold Naruto FairyTales INC.
proudly presents
The Princess and The Spider

In a quiet night, we now see a shining star very brightly in the night sky as we hear a female person singing.

The evening star is shining bright
So make a wish and hold on tight
There's magic in the air tonight
And anything can happen

Inside the huge mansion, owned by a one tailed Tanuki demon named Shukaku Ichibi, we now see a young girl ready a story to two little girls. The young girl is in her 20s, she has brown eyes, red hair and wears black clothing; she's Arachnea Chikumo. Ara continued telling the story as she continued working on a dress for Shukaku's daughter, "And so that moment, the hideous black widow spider look up with his sad round eyes and pleaded, 'Oh please dear princess only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch!'"

"Here comes my favorite part," the 4-year-old girl name Yumi, Shukaku's daughter, whispered to a girl at her same age name Jessica, Arachnea's friend and soon-to-be Neice-in-law.

Ara turned the page, "And the beautiful princess, was so move by his desperate plea, that she stopped down, wrapping her arms around the arachnid, lean forward, close to it to her lips and kissed that spider," Princess Yumi sighed happily, but Jess gagged, "And that moment, the spider transformed into a handsome prince. They were married and lived happily ever after."

Yumi cheered, "Read it again! Read it again!"

"Sorry Yumi, it's time for us to be heading home," Ara said, "Say goodnight Jessica."

"There is no way in this whole wide world I would ever, ever, ever and I mean NEVER kiss a Black Widow. Yuck!" Jess gagged.

"Is that so?" Yumi smirked until she put on a spider mask on Worm, "Well here's your prince charming Jessy!" Jess and Yumi laughed.

"I won't do it!" Jess said.

"I would do it! I would kiss a spider. I'll kiss a hundred spiders if I can marry a prince and be a princess," Yumi kissed and held Worm tightly. Worm screamed and clanged into the ceiling as the girls laughed.

"You girls, stop tormenting that poor little kitty," Ara carried Worm and placed him on the floor. Worm shook the mask off and crawled away, still scared. He spoke to himself

"Yeah, think about the poor kitty for a change!" Worm said. Ara smiled until she saw a tall man with blonde hair, name Shukaku.

"Evening Arachnea," Shukaku greeted as he entered Yumi's room.

"Daddy, daddy, look at my new dress. Isn't it pretty?" Yumi asked.

Shukaku laughed and picked her up, "Gosh, look at you. Why, I have nothing less from the finest dress in Tokyo."

"I want that dress," Yumi pointed at the picture of the princess in the book.

"Now honey…" Shukaku started.

"I want that dress, please," Yumi begged, pulling Shukaku's tanuki ears.

Shukaku cringed and asked Ara, "Ara-chan, do you suppose you can whip up for something with that?"

"Anything for my best customer," Ara replied when we see a lot of dresses, "Come along Jessica. Your mommy should be home from work by now."

"Now princess, you're getting that dress, that's it. No more Mr. Push-over, now who wants a puppy?" Shukaku held out a puppy name Malady.

After Jessica and Arachnea left the house, they took the train car while Jess looked out the window, seeing the mansions one by one. Later, they are heading to the small, poor houses and that's where they really live. Jess and Ara got off the train and walked to their house to meet up with her mom.

Inside their house, a 25-year-old woman with brown hair, purple eyes, and Sand village robes on, named Karura smells the food Jessy is cooking, "The gumbo smells good Jessica."

"I think it's done Mommy," Jess said, holding the wooden spoon with a bit of soup in it.

"Are you sure?" Karura asked, Jessica nodded, "Absolutely positive?"

"Yes," Jess answered.

Karura held the spoon, "Okay, I'm about to put the spoon in my…"

"Wait!" Jess added the last ingredients and tasted it, "Done."

Karura tasted it, but frowned a bit. Jess looks worried, "What?"

"Well sweetheart, this is the…" Karura hugged her and carried her, "…best gumbo I've ever tasted! Arachnea, out little girl has got a gift."

"I already told you that," Arachnea said to her friend.

"A gift this special has got to be shared," said Karura.

Jessica opened the door, "Hey everybody, I've made gumbo!" All of the people gathered around and ate the gumbo that Jess made. She is a very good cook at her age. Her and her family watched them eat, enjoying the food.

"You know the thing about good food? It brings folks together in all those applied," Karura explained to Jessica on her bed, "It warms them right up and puts their smiles on their faces. And when I open my own restaurant, I tell you people are going to line up from miles around. Just to taste my food," Karura showed her the picture of the restaurant. See, Karura's been working hard to get the money so that she can open up the place, but this will not be easy.

"Our food," Jess corrected.

Karura laughed, "That's right, our food."

Jess hugged the paper for a while, until she saw something outside, "Mommy look!"

"Where are you going?" Karura asked.

"Yumi's fairy tale book said,' if you make a wish and the evening star, it's sure will come true," Jess explained, looking at the shining star.

"Well, you wish on that star sweetie," Ara said.

"Yeah, you wish and dream of all your little heart," Karura said, But remember Jessy, that old star can take you part of the way. You got to have a lot of hard work of your own and…yeah you can do anything you set your mind to. Just promise me one thing, that you will never ever lose sight of what that's really important, okay?" Shelby nodded and Karura kissed her head.

"Sleep well baby cakes," Karyra tucked her in and kissed her on her head.

"Get some sleep," said ara as she and Karura left her room and closed the door. Jess sat up and grabbed the paper. She looked out the window, staring at the star and hugged it, "Please, please, please." Jess notice that something is there. She looked at a Black Widow Spider. They both stared at each other, until the spider made a noise. Jessy screamed along with the spider; she ran right out of her room and joined with her mom and friend.