Arachnea Chikumo's Profile

One of my new OC's for Shippuden

Name: Arachnea Chikumo
Age: 17
Birthdate: July 3rd
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Black
Personality: Wise, tom-boy, unusual, strange, quiet
Likes: aliens, giving advice, being a drag king, dango, creating technology
DisLikes: being girlish, villians, salty foods
Attack Types: Fire, spiders, stars, moon
-Keoko Uchiha-Mother (killed by Itachi)
-Maruchi Chikumo-Father (eaten by one of Taro's spiders)
Relationships: None
Friends: Jess, Taro, Twoey, Haru, Deiara, etc.
Weapon: Dual Lunar Eclipse Katana
Favorite Song: Give in to Me by Michael Jackson
Sayings: "It's not a big brain or big muscles that make you strong... it's your big heart."
Looks: Short hair, tall, sounds like a boy, normal colored skin
Clothing: white shirt with black sleeves, black tie, red ninja pants, black ninja sandels
History: Arachnea was born when the Chikumo clan wanted to make alliances with other clans such as the Uchiha clan. The alliance was broken however when Arachnea was 2 and her mother was killed by Itachi. By age 11, Arachnea could perform fire jutsus and summon spiders. After her father got eaten by a giant spider, Arachnea ran away to America to find new hopes. She joined NASA and became interested on studying outer space. Once or twice, she would meet new alien species. She first met Jess at the Chunin Exams and wanted to study more on Jess's necklace. She was recently living in the deserted Skid Row in NYC studying DNA of an alien flytrap when she gets visited by Jess and Twoey. She joins the gang in order to save the city and comes back to Japan after meeting new friends. Arachnea is very quiet and you would mistake her for a hot, nerd boy. She creates gadgets such as the famous Black Widow Choker Necklace for Jess. She also has knowledge for Outer Space and is considered strange. She is longing to have friends and she is now a jonin.
Other than that, other information about her is unknown.

