
This is my journal for rambling about my study of the Japanese language and culture, hopefully so you all will learn something interesting, too. Here, you'll find various information: interesting cultural notes, vocabulary, kanji, and some accounts of the places I visited when I went to Japan in 2006.

And come March 2009, this journal will become my study abroad journal, to post my accounts and photographs from my upcoming stint at the Tokyo university, Jouchi Daigaku.

Fellow East Asian Studies aficionados are always welcome to correct me on any mistakes I might make!

Important links:
Hiragana Chart

Katakana Chart

Some Japanese slang for you!

Ack, I've been slacking on my worlds lately. I've just been so busy! But here's something I think you'll enjoy. I learned a very amusing phrase from my friend Naoki recently, and I thought I'd share it with everyone!

空気を読めない (kuuki o yomenai)

Literally, this means "cannot read the air." It's an idiomatic phrase for someone who is so awkward that it seems like they're not reading the situation at all. Lately, teenagers in Japan have been shortening this phrase to "KY."

Variations on this are ちょうKY (chou KY, or "very awkward,") and MKY, which stands for マジでKY (maji de KY, or "seriously awkward.")

Examples of KY behavior might be... say, a guy on the bus who sits right next to you despite the fact that there are plenty of empty rows. XD Or that person in your hall/apartment building/neighborhood who always stares blankly when you try to greet them.

I just generally think this phrase is the best thing ever.
