I'm alive O v O

Hello lovelies~ Tis been a few. How are you all? (comment if you wish with your answer ^w^)

So, I know this sounds horrible of me, but....I broke up with Dylan >3> (Carlysle ..lulz) He said he wanted to be with me, but I can't handle the fact that he may like someone else and if he could go out with her he would..but she already has a boyfriend and he wasn't being very loving towards me since this past weekend..so I asked if we could just be friends and he agreed..well yeah x3 But I felt guilty for doing so...oh well, no matter..I already like someone else >w<; Although I feel like I'm guy hopping oxo But I'm not, I swear >< *dies*

Anyways...I hope you all are doing well ^^ and FYI, I am not happy that Blake deleted his account >:I Not at all..and people need to treat him better..seriously. Other than that, I'm doing well here as always..mmm not much else to talk about...so I hope you all have a wonderful weekend coming up. :3

Oh wait..one thing, tomorrow I'm doing a ropes course..basically it's like rock climbing on a fake wall and stuff xD It should be fun..even though I'm scared of heights..lol

Wellp, that's all for now..tootles~

