One Soul [a poem, or whatever you want to call it]

A man walked through a desert alone
He looked to the sky and saw a beautiful white bird,
As the bird drew near he realized that it wasn't a bird but an angel
The angel said, "The lord has seen you through the desert and has said your
soul shall rest at peace."
The man said unto the angel, "Angel, I have but one soul. I am not
done living on this earth."
"Be at peace sir. Your time is not yet up, the lord hath more for you to do.
Do not dispare. You shall join him in your time." the angel told him.
"Thank you." said the man, "We all have one soul, the lord shall use it in whatever way he pleases."
One soul, one heart, one body, one mind
These are all that man possess' but he wants more.
What the lord wants with us he will do, but we choose to obey or not.
You control the fate of your soul, no one else.
