Where thoughts go to think.

Been a long time otaku (if you use that word in a nice way), traveled to many exotic places, been shot at in at least two, and have a habit of writing short stories to pass the time.

Hang around a bit, you might find something you like.

For fun and gaming in one, try my Elder Scrolls: Oblivion adventure logs.

My Steam: HERE
I'm usually connected when I'm home.

So tired

Nana is hailing from her nearest Starbucks at a healthy 0730 in the morning. She's been up a healthy 24hrs as well. Why you all ask? Because, that's why.

She just posted up a new/old story Aftermath.
It's one of her first shorts she ever wrote in first person.

Spring break is coming soon and Nana is waiting for the break. She needs the gaming time. Between Killer7, Devil May Cry 2, and Okami, she's got games to finish. She blames Persona 3 and FFXII and Jade Empire for not finishing those games earlier.

Speaking of coffee, Nana finds that it's not so much the caffeine that has her drinking coffee, it's the taste. Nana loves the taste of coffee. She started drinking coffee back in grade school, so this must be a genetic trait since everyone in Nana's family drinks coffee regularly. Nana's sister also started in grade school. Now Nana thinks her little sister drinks more than her.
Here in the states, coffee is just coffee, but when Nana was in Italy, coffee was more. It was a drink of socialization. People would go to the nearest bar (a bar in Italy is basically a cafe, not to be confused with an American bar) and just talk over an espresso or latte. In the past, America was similar in this, but as time went by people wanted to move faster and talk less. It's a shame really. When Nana was in Italy, she visited many places that aren't tourist spots. Yet, in these places the people were quite friendly. They treated Nana to coffee, a lunch, some wine. Not to mention the country scenery was to die for. But what really endeared these people to Nana was the friendly coffee, the broken English conversations, the pats on the back when she so botched her the Italian they were teaching her.
It's a shame that us Americans lost our "coffee." Someday we may regain it, but that day seems so far off.


Nana misses those people.

If I ever leave this world alive
by Flogging Molly

If I ever leave this world alive
I'll thank for all the things you did in my life
If I ever leave this world alive
I'll come back down and sit beside your
feet tonight
Wherever I am you'll always be
More than just a memory
If I ever leave this world alive

If I ever leave this world alive
I'll take on all the sadness
That I left behind
If I ever leave this world alive
The madness that you feel will soon subside
So in a word don't shed a tear
I'll be here when it all gets weird
If I ever leave this world alive

So when in doubt just call my name
Just before you go insane
If I ever leave this world
Hey I may never leave this world
But if I ever leave this world alive

She says I'm okay; I'm alright,
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would,
Now everything should be all right

She says I'm okay; I'm alright,
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would,
Now everything should be all right
Yeah should be alright

Lets tango...

Sort of continuing off the main subject of food from her last post, Nana will once again rant about strange and small things.

The first and most evident to Nana is the fact that soda seems to be the preferred drink with pizza. She's not talking real pizza, but Pizza Hut and store bought like pizza. Ya know, the fake stuff. It's just strange. What is it about soda that we drink it anyway? It's the same with fast food. That's all those places usually serve, exception is morning where you can get juice. Some have milk, but that's usually only bought by parents for their children.
Then there's diet soda. What's so diet about it? It still has most of the same non-diet ingredients as it's regular twin, they just switch one of the sugars with a fake sugar that is most likely bad for you. You got those people who order three Big Macs and then a diet soda. Drinking diet anything really isn't going to fix anything unless you are exercising. Even then, if you are, it doesn't matter whether you drink diet or not since your EXERCISING. Yes, exercise, the best way to get into shape. It's so simple that even a baby can do it.
Continuing on with the diet scene, there's this thing called diet juice. Now, real juice (Ocean Spray, Welches and such) use the NATURAL sugar found in the fruits to make the juice sweet since it is naturally sweet. HOW IN THE HELL CAN YOU HAVE A DIET FRUIT? Nana knows that science is coming along nicely with gene manipulation, but this is crazy. Any diet juice must be some kinda deadly concoction that will destroy us all. Nana fears for the future.

Anyway, all diet things taste like ass. Nana likes things that taste good. Which is why Nana eats lots of meat. Meat at a rare to medium rare setting.

Next up is Nana will finish her dub review of Kanon.
With the second vol the harem is complete.
Both Mai and Sayuri get screen time.
Anyone who's seen Kanon knows that Mai has few line in general. She's the soft spoken, stern type. Melissa Davis does a decent job of portraying this. Remember that all the voices will sound American and high schoolish. There are no cutesy girls. So as it stands, Melissa Davis fits as Mai and Nana is comfortable.
Next is Sayuri, played by Natalie Arneson. She's fairly new to the acting scene. As Nana mentioned in her first review, the script kept the who fact that Sayuri uses her name in place of "I". Sounds weird in English but Natalie pulls it out well. As for Sayuri's little laugh, she does a decent job with it.
Points to mention are Nayuki's blissful/sleep induced baby like talk. Jessica Boone is continuing strong in that department. Out of all the girls, Jessica Boone fits the best.

Then there's the jam, Nana so wonders what is in it.

If none of you have checked it out, Nana now has five stories in the Fanwords section. Also viewable through her portfolio. Though the storys Nana wants to pimp are not there. The Wedding of Otaku Legends: Its even better if you know the two from MyO.
Endless: A story about a journey.

Don't mess with the best
It's safe, trust me
Yeah, I'm smoking. Got a problem with that?

Bad times

Nana will start by saying that she will keep a blog on both VV and MyO. Though all the stories she writes will be archived on VV, she will still post them on MyO.

Next order. Nana has so broadened her seafood knowledge. She and a few co-workers went out for late night sushi and Nana finally coaxed a fellow worker into sharing two Uni (sea urchin) rolls. Now, for whatever reason, Nana has always been very hesitant about trying it. She could never say why... Until now.
When her co-worker asked the server how it tastes, the server told them, "It tastes fine. It gives you a fresh, squishy feeling in your gut."
What the hell is fresh/squish mean?
Well, Nana got the answer real quick. A few drops and a glob of wasabi later the food in question was in Nana's mouth. That's when it started. Not taking into account the Uni looked like glossy/wet peanut butter, there was something about the texture. Nana can't find any words in the human language to describe it. Just remembering the feeling as it slid, or maybe flopped, down her throat is enough to make Nana cringe. It wasn't long before the true meaning of fresh and squish belly made great sense. Nana would love to say how it tasted but even as she writes this, her body is still convulsing with ickiness.
Nana warns all who have thought about trying it. Don't ever, EVER do it. Not even for money.

On a lighter topic, Nana is in need of a short story topic. She's been wanting to write one for a while but hasn't found a suitable topic. Any suggestions?

Nana's future job

Shadow boxing

Well, Nana has this to say about this place: "It's okay, I might get to liking it here."
First off, she would like to dance a girly gig because three of her stories are on the Fan Words site.Desert Punk. No relation to the anime.
Dead Like Me. Yes relation to the show.
Synesthesia. Super original.

Sadly, one of Nana's biggest and most Otaku relevant Wedding Of Otaku Legends, a special project Nana did a while back, has yet to be published. Though Nana hopes it will.

In other news, Nana finally took the Circuits Analysis Exam and found it easier than predicted. Though she did make a dumb algebraic error on the last problem, so she's hoping for partial credit.

Then there's work. Nana is transferring to a combat med unit soon. As of now, she is waiting for the release orders from her current unit. She has been asked if she will reclass to Combat Medic, but Nana is still thinking that one over. The training school is over four months and at this time, Nana has no time to spare.

Nana is now wondering something. Why does she need to take a presentational speaking class for an Electrical Engineering degree?

As far as her other life problems, well, not much there. She's taken a break from consultant work so as far as bad scenes, she's seen none. Strangely enough, because of that, the number of nightmares she has had is quite less. Now to those who don't know, Nana's nightmares are usually ten time worse than the average person's. She also doesn't wake up from them.
Speaking of dreams, she is working on reposting her past dreams on her Here.

Why di I like her so much?

Post o Rage

Nana has yet to figure out the whole friends thing there so if any of you have blogs, hit me up with a link. Since this is basically just a port of Nana's MyO Blog she is still trying to figure out things. If you don't like rants, You can check out Nana's story page Here

Now the main:

Nana is so hating the weather here. On Saturday, it was so T-shirt weather, then it snowed late that night. Next, yesterday it was warm again, then it snowed late last night too. Still snowing now.
It's not like Nana hates snow completely. When she got back from overseas and winter rolled around, she loved the fluffy white snow, then she had to drive. Nana so hates to drive in the snow. Takes too much time and people get stupid.

One might think that Nana would be used to it seeing as she's lived here all her life. Truthfully, all that means is Nana is no longer surprised. "It you don't like the weather, wait five minutes" thats what we say here.

Nana's been so busy she's back to living on fast food and TV dinners. Sucks since Nana does her best to eat healthy. She hasn't done rice in a while. Nana will so cherish her spring break.

PG-13 on VV so that means no more of...
In Nana's MyO blog, she'd post some gory pics as a closer. Guess that's out.