Just Desserts


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Home sweet home.

My original plan had been this. To wipe out the whole family. To make sure that their wretched bloodline would no longer taint this world. And now, tonight, I complete this task watched over by my lord Sithis and my lady the Night Mother. I don't know how much has changed in the years I've been away but I figure it wasn't all that much. I know that the hag has remarried and that they still own that shop where she would always cheat on her husband. I'm doing the world a favor, believe me.

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She has a type.

The man who answers the door is just as much of a douche as my late master was. The moment he sees me the look on his face became one of contempt. To people like him, my kind should never be free, we should always serve those with power. We should never be given power ourselves. I wanted to savor our meeting and his death so I spoke to him as an equal. Even after he started raging against my attitude. Not wanting the rest of the area to see what was coming I walk right around him closing the door behind me. And when I finally look at him again I tell him that he is the one who should bow before me since I am the one with the power.

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Don't mind if I do.

I laugh and tell him that he should not suggest such a thing. God, the arrogance of the man. He really thought that he could take me out himself. I watch as he maneuvers around me to where I figure he has weapons stashed. I'm already strapped and he thinks he can get a weapon drawn before I draw my own. Idiot.

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One clean strike was all it took. The look of surprise in his eyes was delicious. My job was far from done. I still had to find the woman. I check the master bedroom, she is not there. Which could only mean that she is at the shop. I slip out of the house as a shadow melts into the darkness and make my way to the nearby shop. Within the quiet building I creep up the stairs to the sleeping chamber. It didn't matter if there was a man there or not. I would kill all who lay beyond the door.

She was alone, deep within a dream. Whoever she had been with had left long ago. Probably ashamed of his choice of a whore. I debate whether to wake her or not, and came to the decision that I didn't care. So a single arrow was her end.

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She looks so happy to be a sacrifice.