A Dish Called Revenge


A good start to any journey of revenge for one who is bound to the darkness, is to make a plea to the Night Mother. And since I am more or less tight with her, I didn't have to so much as plea as just mention my plan. As expected she was quite pleased with my plan and granted me the contract and said I could carry it out as I see fit. To that end, she directed me to Anvil.

Anvil is/was the location of my ex-master's second home. The one I figured he met most his mistresses at. I've never been there, being confined to the mane estate with the bitch of a wife he had. The only time I'd been to Anvil was on a job for the Brotherhood. I wasn't all that impressed with the city. They were a bit uppity and whatnot. Not racist or anything, but more they seemed to feel that the rest of the country could do as it pleased and they'd just stay out of it cause it didn't matter to them. I was unsure why the Night Mother was making such a suggestion, but I had no reason to doubt her.

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I can see the family resemblance.

As it turns out, the son of my ex-master was in town trying to get rid of the secondary estate. Since I was just a servant/slave in his father's household, it was of no surprise that he didn't recognize me. Why would someone of his birthright ever acknowledge someone of such lower prestige? It worked in my favor, so I can't complain.

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Makes you wonder.

And he was really eager to sell cheap. My whole plan revolved around killing most of what was left of the family. I didn't really want another house but I figured that I could find out who was left in the family and where they might be if I had a chance to look around the house. I could always kill him later when we were in a more private setting.

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Looks like it's a bit under maintained.

So after I handed over the money the guy left the bar without so much as a "Enjoy your new home". When I found the place I figured out why. It would seem that in the years since I killed my master, things in the family have went down a bit. Sleaze ball as he was, the man was good with the business of making money. Whatever that business was.

My thoughts were that after his death, his widow took all and cut off the rest of the family. Yeah, I'm not surprised either. She was always the gold digger. I'd heard many rumors about her dalliances while I was out shopping. It always amazed me the things that were said around me while I was out. It was like I didn't exist to the gossipers. Unlike now, where I'm known in many places and noticed by many. All the more reason to take care of my past.

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No dinner party here.

The inside was worse than the outside. It was like someone had ransacked the place looking for something. I can only imagine what.