Ramble On


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I think I'm beyond being called a child.

So the following day after my good master LL was killed we all met up at the tomb that held our dear Night Mother (I've been instructed to not show what the tomb looks like, sorry). The Black Hand was at a complete loss as to what should happen next. They believed they had finally killed the traitor and now, with so few and no Listeners left, they so want to move on. Me, what do I want? What do I think? Well, that's simple. The traitor is still among us and he must die. After that, if I can, I'll slap the remaining members silly. Jumping to conclusions and going all half cocked without even asking the one person they seem to trust, me.

With that in mind, I stayed back from the group as they performed the ritual to open the tomb. It was kinda drab and boring. Makes me wonder if the Night Mother even approved of it. I like to believe that she has some sense in ritual and fun. I mean, she does seem to not care about what I do.

Anyway, after what felt like hours the group finally started to file into the tomb. Again I hung back watching. If I was right about my thoughts, the traitor wanted to somehow defile the Night Mother and thus take control of the Brotherhood. Fat chance I would let that happen. Luckily I didn't have to wait. The moment everyone was in and I was on the stairs I heard the commotion. I already had my bow ready and by the time I got far enough down that I could see the fight, my arrow was drawn back.

I so wish I could show you my awesome shot. The dumb butt traitor had just killed one of the group and heard my feet hit he dirt. I wanted him to see me, to see the "child" that was going to kill him. He looked so dumbfounded right before my arrow pierced him between the eyes. The rest of the group all turned to me in awe. All I did was smile.

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You're telling me.

But, before anyone could say anything, The Night Mother appeared all ghosty like. Being a ghost, she had like no figure, no looks so I really couldn't comment on her in that respect. But hey, at least I've finally gotten to meet her. Everyone else was all bowing and stuff. Stupid minions.

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At least she wasn't bashing LL.

While everyone else was stammering about I started to talk to our matron. It was confusing to me that she'd let all this happen, but I guess this was her form of house cleaning. I wanted to ask about LL, but didn't want the others to be around for that.