The Battle of Evermore


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No, really?

So right after the whole saving Kavatch deal I found the dude I needed to. Matthew or something like that. I didn't really listen when the monk told me and I didn't listen when the dude did. So for the sake of ease, I shall hence forth call him Matty.

I told Matty all about the crap I had to do that brought me to him, but I did so in a nice and non-sarcastic way. I figured that if I was a dick about it he'd get all hotty and ignore me and that would be bad since I want this damn mission over with.

The rain had finally stopped by the time we set out for the abbey. For the first hour or so the dude tried to strike up a conversation but finally got the fact that I didn't want to have one. I'm not saying he's a bad guy. I really don't know what kind of guy he is but I've had a long, long day that never seems to end and yeah... I'm in no mood for small talk.

Night was in full bloom and the rain had long since returned by the time we reach the abbey. It meant that I'd have to wake the old monk. Yeah, don't care. I haven't slept in I can't say how long and he doesn't need sleep either.

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Um... Behind you.

There was a problem. The whole place was overrun by minions of that secret order that attacked the emperor way back in the prison. They seemed to have over run the abbey and were on a killing spree. My armor had finally finished regenerating and my blade was calling for more blood, so it was no surprise that I jumped into the fray and wiped out the small force that was there.

Really, they should have sent more. Haven't they heard about what I did earlier? I closed an Oblivion gate, retook Kavatch and still had the strength to get to the abbey in the crap butt rain. If all the evil minions I have to deal with are this stupid, I might be able to finish that mission once an for all.

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Fat load of help that is.

Now you can see what kind of stupid I'm dealing with. I gave that monk the amulet because he was so insistent and he goes and loses it! I'm surrounded by idiots. I was an idiot myself for handing over that amulet. I can so see my future now. They are going to make me find that amulet, I just know it.