The Business End


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That didn't take long.

Okay, I'm sure you're wondering why the man is dead. Or maybe, more to the point why the man is mostly naked and dead. Yeah, I really didn't see this coming either. I guess I'll start at the beginning.

It all started when this gossip of a woman almost cornered me as I was leaving my new home. She went on and on about how the current captain of the guard was a real bastard and how he was extorting money from everyone.

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Yada yada

She went on and on and it seemed that she really just wanted someone else to deal with the problem and was hoping since I was new and what not, that I'd that care of it. In a way she wasn't wrong that I might feel compelled to do something, but I sure as heck wasn't going to tell her. The last thing I wanted was a gossip talking about how the new girl in town was taking care of a problem. So I blew her off with all the sass I had and went to meet the guy myself.

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His nostrils are like endless voids.

A pleasant fella, let me tell you. But it did help me come to a decision. I am a felon, recently escaped from the imperial prison, and was in possession of the emperor's special amulet. That be a brew of bad tidings should this donkey's butt find out.