Sakura's Valentine

Ok, chocolates? Check! Smile? Check! I looked around. No Ino in site? Check! “Sasuke-kun!” I called out as I made my way over to Sasuke. He looked at me, glared at the box of chocolates I was holing, and walked away. “Ah! Wait! Sasuke-kun!” I ran up to him, almost tripping in the process. “What do you want Sakura?” he sighed. Wait, no Sakura-chan?

“Here! These are for you,” I smiled, holding out the box of chocolates. “No thanks,” he turned to walk away. “Wait!” I cried, grabbing his arm. He glared at me, and I let go. “Please, at least take the chocolates , you don’t have to eat them,” I blushed.”You’re not going to let me leave until I take them, am I right?” he sighed. “Right!” I grinned. “Fine,” he said, as he grabbed the little box, and put it into his pocket.

“Sasuke-kuuuuun!” I turned to see Ino making her way towards us. “Back off Ino pig,” I grinned, “Sasuke-kun already accepted my chocolate.” “No way! You’re just imagining things. Cry baby Sakura,” she sneered. “Nope,” I sneered back, “tell her Sasuke-kun.” I turned around to see that Sasuke had vanished. “Oh, look what you did,” Ino stormed off.

I watched her go, and realised there was something in my pocket. I pulled it out, and saw it was the box of chocolates I had given Sasuke. I smiled sadly as I looked at the little box, “aw, well. Maybe next year.” I went to make my way home, when I noticed Naruto standing all alone. I made my way over to him, placing a smile on my face. “Hey Naruto!” I called. He looked up, surprised. “Oh, Sakura-chan! It’s you!” he blushed. Why was he blushing?

“How are you?” I asked him. “Good,” he answered. I sighed, pulled the box of chocolates out of my pocket, and held them out to him. “For me?” he asked, pointing to himself. “Yeah, but only because we’re fri-” I was cut off as he grabbed me, and pulled me into an embrace. “Thank you!” he whispered happily. I sighed and hugged him back. Maybe later I’d tell him that I’d only given them to him as a friend. For now, I’d just let him be happy.
