I was Tagged

I have nothing better to do...Well I actually do... But I'll fill this out anyways.

Eye Color: purple
Hair Color: black
Height: tall enough
Favorite Color: Don't have one
Screen Name: Geassmaster
Favorite Show: I don't watch TV
Your Car: I don't drive
Your Hometown: ....I'm too ashamed
Your Present Town: I live at Ashford academy
Your First Crush's Name: ? Crush?
Your Grade: 12th grade...4.0


Sat on your rooftop? Yes
Kissed someone in the rain? >////> Maybe
Danced in a public place? I can't dance
Smiled for no reason? no, always a reason
Laughed so hard you cried? no
Peed your pants after age 8? no...
Written a song? no
Sang to someone for no reason? I don't sing
Performed on a stage? ...If you count preforming as Zero
Talked to someone you don't know? yeah
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? no
Made out in a theater? no
Been in love? No

Say HI to you? Shirly
Tell you, I love you? Nunnally
Kiss you?....>///> That was a while ago anyways
Hug you? I was glomped by Milly
Tell you BYE? Rivalz
Write you a note? Writing notes? How old fashioned...
Take your photo? Milly
Buy you something? No one
Write a poem about you? Ummm....
Touch you? Well view the hug thing..

Time you cried? don't remember
Time you laughed? hnnn...
Song you've sang? Like I said...I don't
Time you've looked at the clock? a few minutes ago
Drink you've had? a soda
Book you've read? my text book
Food you've eaten? Passion fruit soup
Shoes you've worn? my uniform shoes
Store you've been in? that store Ushio and I visited
Thing you've said? "....."

Write with both hands? no
Whistle? sure
Roll your tongue in a circle? no
Cross your eyes? no
Touch your tongue to your nose? no Wait *tries it* no
Dance? No
Stay up a whole night without sleep? yeah...
Speak a different language? yes
Impersonate someone? I do all the time.
Make a card pyramid? nope
Cook anything? passion fruit soup

If I were a... more powerful person I would reform this world.
I wish... that Britannia would just lose already
So many people don't know... that I can't dance
I am ... Lelouch and I am always right
My heart is ...ok right now
I tag whomever read all this.
