Rain Dance

I sit listening to the rain dance on the window pane
Enjoying the rain washing everything away
It seems I'm most happy in this rainy weather
The beauty of the ripples the raindrop create on the puddles
Reminds me of the beating of two hearts as one
Hearing the thunder reminds me of the lightning that shows a broken heart forming
My mind and heart are clear
And I'm completely relaxed
The fresh smell is the best in nature
All the death and famine washed away if only for a minute
It's days like this that are my favorite
They're so calm and cleansing
Making everything seem clean and beautiful
I'm not a poet,I'm an artist
Writing down everything I see and feel for others to understand
In a song that may never be heard until you find,hear,and see it yourself
As I have
Try to understand the beauty and meaning in everything
I watch the rain slip through the top of your door and fall into a small puddle
The sound it creates in the puddle on the metal plate sounding like a small bongo being hit
I'm watching the tears of heaven rain against the window now
Seeing nothing anyone else can see
As the sun peeks its rays out with the thunder still shouting
I feel serene and collected together
Nothing hurts,nothing feels
It's really nice just sitting here writing and hearing the whispers and shouts of the nature outside the window
I want to curl up in a small ball on the mushroom chair in my blanket and allow myself to fall into sleep
With the soft fabric warming my skin and against my cheek leaning on my hand
I shall fall into the slow dance of slumber to the sound of the tears right outside of the shelter
And dream of being in the arms of the person I've always wanted
