Japanese Blood types (personality)

Blood types are important in Japan. That's why you sometimes see a game, manga and/or anime characters with blood types on their profiles. This is because people in Japan believe by your personality it relates to the blood type you have, which is the reason behind it and why it's used in the character's profiles. (The Chart below is temporaliy out of order. So, please use the one called "Blood Types" Below. Thank you.~)

Memo Note: Positives and negitives are both included. There is no rights or wrongs in the Japanese Personality BloodTypes. Because the main focus is in the BloodType, not if it's negitive or positive and also it's the same for RH bloodtypes, too. (For the RH blood type, all you need to know is what category it falls under, for example: A Rh+, A Rh-, B Rh+, B Rh-, AB Rh+, AB Rh-, O Rh+, O Rh-).


BloodType: A

  • Known as: "The Perfectionist"
  • Positive Traits: Nervous, Intorverted, Honest, Loyal, Reserved, Patient, Sensitive, Responsible, Punctual, Earnest, Creative, Sensible, and Reserved
  • Negative Traits: Obsessive, Stubborn, Conservative, Tense, Fastidious, and Overearnest
  • Compatibility: A and AB.

BloodType: B

  • Known as: "The Individualist"
  • Positive Traits: Outgoing, Optomistic, Adventurous, Creative, Passionate, Strong, Animal loving, Optimistic, Flexible, Wild, Active, and Doer
  • Negative Traits: Wild, Unsociable, Critical, Indecisive, Unpredictable, Unforgiving, Selfish, and Irresponsible
  • Compatibility: B and AB.

BloodType: AB

  • Known as: "The Rationalist"
  • Positive Traits: Proud, Diplomatic, Discriminating, Popular, Sociable, Cool, Controlled, Rational, and Adaptable
  • Negative Traits: Forgetful, Critical, Indecisive, Irresponsible, Self-centered, and "Split Personality"
  • Compatibility: A, B, AB, and O

BloodType: O

  • Known as: "The Natural Leader"
  • Positive Traits: Workaholic, Insecure, Emotional, Ambitious, Trendsetter, Independent, Loyal, Athletic, Robust, Passionate, Self-confident, Agreeable, Sociable, and Optimistic
  • Negative Traits: Arrogant, Vain, Jealous, Insensitive, Ruthless, and Rude
  • Compatibility: AB and O

Websites Used:

Note: I found this "Blood Type" thing a few years ago back in septemeber of [blank] years.. And I totally need to find that link again to the BT page.
