Lucky Cat

Maneki Neko (招き猫, literally "Beckoning Cat"; also known as Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Cat Swipe, Money cat, or Fortune Cat)

White Lucky Cat: invites happiness, purity and creativity.
Black Lucky Cat: gets rid of bad luck and protection from evil.
Golden Lucky Cat: brings riches(money) and wealth.
Green Lucky Cat: gives good fortune to everyone and health.
Orange Lucky Cat: ????
Yellow Lucky Cat: brings health, stability, and good marriages.
Purple Lucky Cat: promotes prosperity, wealth, lifestyle, and opportunity.
Blue Lucky Cat: promotes intelligence, wisdom, academic success, and career success.
Pink Lucky Cat: invites love, relationships, and good marriages.
Red Lucky Cat: welcomes good health and exorcise evil spirits.
Gray Lucky Cat: supports safe, enjoyable travel, and attracts helpful people.

Cat raising its left hand: welcomes people and customers.
Cat raising right hand: welcomes prosperity to one's home.
Cat raising both hands: Not sure, but it could possability bring people and prosperity?
