EDIT: Closed!

Edit: I posted this on other sites and managed to get 5 replies total between all sites, so I'm gonna do charms for those 5 people!

Mood: neutral

I recently found out that Zap! Creatives lets you buy single acrylic charms at a time! THAT'S CRAZY! And good! I don't know of any other charm services that do that other than like... random Chinese production companies online.

Anyway, I'm saying this bc I'll probably draw and order a charm of one of my OCs or smth for myself at some point... but it also got me wondering if anyone would want me to draw and order a charm of one of their OCs for them? :o

If you'd want one, you'd have to pay for your charm production cost ($8.85 for a 2" charm) and USPS shipping (about $2.50?), but other than that I'd do everything else (drawing and ordering the charms). So like... you'd have to send me $11.35 so I could pay for your charms. You'd also have to give me your shipping address.

I wouldn't be making money off of these by the way. It'd be like me drawing a chibi request of your OC and you ordering through Zap! to have a charm made out of it... except I'd be doing all the charm file set-ups and orders and whatever.

Anyway, this was just an idea I had... I thought it'd be a fun gift-y kind of thing to do for my friends here. I personally love getting physical art and stuff of my OCs, so I thought maybe you guys would be interested in getting charms done of your OCs. ;u;7 I'd probably only do a maximum of 5 and do it later in the year rather than sooner. :o BUT YEAH...! If you're interested, comment here! :o

And if money is a problem, I might do this with plastic shrink film charms instead! I'd pay for everything, but you'd still need to send me your shipping address... (not now obviously, but if I do end up doing these.)
