Broke My Tablet Pen Again

Mood: Hungry.
Currently working on: OFAV stuff! 8D

YO. I dropped my tablet pen again, and broke the inner coil or whatever. I don't think I'll be able to fix it this time... BUT. My dad said he'd buy a new tablet for me, so WOW! Sounds good to me.

This is the one I'm buying, btw. If anyone uses this one, tell me how it is! ;u;

The new pen and tablet will have nearly twice the pressure sensitivity than my old pen, so... that's either a good thing because it's more precise, or it's a bad thing because I won't be used to it. :M;;; Hopefully it'll be fine! I think I'm going to order it today, so I shouldn't be tablet-less for too long. In the mean time, I'll be working on OFAV stuff, like the dialogue for the next strips, the outfits for the next chapter/etc.

I'm in the process of uploading the next strip, btw. ;o Once I upload that, we'll be entering our first "chapter"/story arc! 8D;;; I'm not sure yet, but I think each chapter will have, like................ 20-30 strips........... T-THAT SEEMS LIKE SO MUCH! ;A; But when you think about it, the sort of prologue that just happened was 13 strips. And it wasn't long at all. "orz WE'LL SEE IF I CAN EVEN COME UP WITH THAT MANY PUNCHLINES.
(note: I probably can't.)
I've written I think around 10-ish strips, so we're not going too bad. -u-;;;;

The first chapter is about college and jobs, apparently. :M;;; W-WHAT A HILARIOUS TOPIC...? RIGHT..........? I'm still unsure of what I want for the 2nd chapter, though. Maybe Stefan books Tomato a runway gig, and all kinds of hilarious shenanigans happen there. Or maybe it's about modeling in general, since the first chapter seems not to be about modeling at all.
Or maybe I can just write comic strips about Stefan, because he's secretly hilarious.

ANYWAY, yeah, that's what's up in here. :V
OH YEAH, I think I already mentioned, but I'm on summer break now! Which is why I have all this time to do pointless OFAV stuff. 8D And... I also need to work on my anime con portfolio, but....... NO TABLET, SO THAT'LL HAVE TO WAIT. 8)

Have a nice Monday, or whatever! :D
