Mood: Hungarian.

Hey guys! I'm on spring break! :D YEAH. Now I can act like I'm going to accomplish something, and just blow everything off in reality. -u-
I think I'll do a big long post today since I haven't posted in here in forever. :D

I'm going prom dress shopping today. .u. Did you know my friends are forcing me to go to prom? ... Yeah, they are. I don't think it'll be too bad, but the reasons I don't really want to go to prom are:

  • I don't know how to dance
  • I don't like pop music
  • I don't know how to dance to pop music even less than I don't know how to dance in general
  • I am paranoid about people spiking the punch or something. (IT'S SCARY, OKAY...)

My friends wanted me to go to all night grad party as well as prom, but I compromised with them and got away with just going to prom. -u-b I would probably like prom better if they got a live band to play the pop music or something, but Takara says our school always gets DJs. When she went to prom last year, the only slow song they played was Halo by Beyonce. (How do you slow dance to that? xD;)
Not that slow dancing is something I'm looking forward to. I'm just going with my friends.

As far as dresses go, I kind of want a short dress... because in general, I just like short dresses more than long dresses. And they're usually cheaper. So I might be a rebel, and wear a short dress to prom. (People will think I'm a junior or something... ;u;)

So... yep. That's what's going on with that.
In other news (?), my teacher liked my poem about Stefan and is submitting it to this book that publishes poems from high school students. (She chose 10 poems total.) SO YEAH, I might be published possibly...! I actually haven't told anyone yet, because I kept forgetting. It might be weird to randomly bring it up now, though, because she told me nearly a month ago. xD

I made a cheesecake yesterday! :D For Japanese class. I had to translate a recipe into Japanese, and bring in some for the class. I chose cheesecake, because it's one of the few things I can make. xD The people who ate it seemed like they liked it, so that's good. One guy told me he loved me. Aw, yeah. Power of cheesecake.
Everyone else made really good food too, but we only had half an hour to eat and no drinks... so I felt really nauseous trying to eat everyone's food. "orz I wish Sensei would have given us more time, so I could have enjoyed it. ;u;

For some reason, I really want to sing this song. If I ever have a moment by myself in the house, I'll record myself trying to learn the lyrics (which are not in Japanese) and sing to you in my fairy voice. (??)

And... yep. That's pretty much it. I might want to type up some more character profiles today, so you might get a couple of those in your backroom. :D So... sorry. Or yay. You choose.
I have to use the bathroom now! :V See ya, and have a nice weekend~ :)
