
Harry dashed out the door, completely forgetting his Invisibility Cloak and the fact that it was 1:30 in the morning. He heard Hermione's footsteps up the Grand Staircase. A door opened around what Harry assumed was the 7th floor, where the Room o...

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Harry Potter was frustrated. He ran his hands through his hair, terribly annoyed. He shoved his chair back from the table in the Gryffindor Common Room, glaring at the door and then his watch and then back to the door. Harry leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest, crossed his legs and then tapped his foot in the air. He glared at his watch.

1:21 am.

He was waiting for a certain bushy-haired witch to walk in. His best friend, Hermione Granger, was on a date/patrolling with their best friend/Hermione's boyfriend Ron-freaking-Weasley. The two had started dating last year and so far, Harry had not seen one spark of... anything between the two "lovebirds". They would bicker, break up, and then be back together the next morning, all fine and dandy. Harry, however, had yet to see that they kissed each other or that they had said the three magic words that are essential to a relationship. Hell, Harry hadn't even heard them ever say they actually LIKED each other. The three of them had gone to bed friends and the next morning, Hermione and Ron were together, leaving a completely astounded and confused Harry Potter.

See, our dear Harry Potter was in love with his best friend, Hermione Jane Granger. He had planned on telling Hermione how he felt about her the morning that Ron and said friend had gotten together. The night before he had told Ron everything that he was planning to do: the flowers, the broom, the meadow, the picnic, everything.

Then dear Ron had to go an stab him in the back.

Ron had, apparently, done everything that Harry had planned, except an hour earlier. Hermione, completely astounded by what Ron did, said yes, completely confused and ignoring the nagging feeling in her heart.

So here we are, our dear Harry sitting down waiting for 'Mione and Ron to come back from their date.

Harry twisted towards the table again and thrust his papers off the table angrily. He took a deep breath and sighed, standing up and walking over to his papers. He picked them up, completely ticked off.

Geez, stupid Ron stealing my stupid plan. He doesn't even treat her right. All he does is carry her books from one class to the next... actually, he doesn't even do that! He's only her boyfriend when he wants to be. He doesn't tell her she's beautiful, she's smart, she's funny, she's charming... he doesn't compliment her at all! Why, if she was mine... Harry ranted, completely oblivious to the fact that the door just opened.

In walked the couple of the night, bickering.

"I can do it myself, Ron!" Hermione shouted. Her hair was frizzed out and her robes were disheveled. She had her wand clasped in her hand, almost like it was the one thing that was keeping her from punching Ron in the face.

"Well, obviously not, Hermione, other wise we would not be in this damn situation, would we?" Ron bellowed back. Suddenly, protests from the dorms were heard, yelling at the two to shut up because it was 1:30 in the morning.

Hermione glared at the stairs then walked up to Ron. She glared at him as hard as she could before kicking him straight in the balls. She dashed outside the common room, tears soaking her face.

Ron doubled over, shouts of pain emitting from his mouth. He glanced around the common room.

Just then, Harry stood up, papers in hand and glasses almost falling off the bridge of his nose. He looked at the doubled-over Ron and then at the door that Hermione had just run through.

This was his chance. He could go after Hermione and perhaps walk in with a girlfriend, or he could help Ron and assist his first friend. He glanced from Ron to the door, then back to Ron.

Harry sighed and ran out the door.

Ron whimpered as the door slammed shut.
