Fighting monsters -poem

We have been broken,
Beaten, stepped on and stabbed
It has left us quite cold
And we are very mad

Who would do such horrid things?
Who would where these kids down?
And how could they stand themselves
And still be human?

They are monsters
Things that aren’t wanted
Things that should not be seen
But they still roam the streets

They should not be parents
Should not be here
In this world that we live
They are what taint it

Things like them
Corrupt others minds
And beet the ones
Who don’t comply

Yet we still fight on
Through all tribulations
No matter what happens
We will stand firm

Though some will falter
Most will stand tall
We will help others
And the fallen will rise again

Against the monsters
That roams our homes
Our schools
And our streets

They break and beat
They step on and stab
Whether it’s your body
Or your mind

But we will fight on
We will stand tall
We will not give
The monsters shall fall

We will fight
As hard as we can
We will not die
We will not lose

We will live on
We will defeat them
We will not perish
But they will rot.
