I Should Have Listened

I had one of those moments today where I did something... and later realized that I should have taken someone's advice to me more seriously. Crystia told me when I first joined to avoid the podcast... I kind of forgot and listened to it. =_= I won't be making that mistake again. I dislike unnecessary swearing. It didn't make them any funnier, it just kind of killed the experience completely for me.

Usually I just overlook a certain amount of lighter swearing but when you start tossing out versions of the F word... That's something I simply do not like period. It's why I don't go to R movies. Well, one of the reasons. I usually don't care for the violence and other stuff they put in those kinds of shows too.

But since we are here, I'll admit that some of the graphic nature of shows these days on TV... there are series I won't watch either. I don't even remember the name, I just remember what I saw and that was more than enough. So, that's a mistake I won't make again. That podcast is now on my do not listen to list.

I will say this though. I didn't actually volunteer for working on the Otaku Angel's project... Adam asked me if I would do it and explained it to me before I agreed to it. I'd tell them in a comment on the update, but if I do that... I'll end up verbally whacking them for being so unnecessarily vulgar.

And I'm going to shut up before that has me ranting on double standards and the no swearing rules and so forth... =_= I really dislike that too. Complaining about stuff. That was just my first really unpleasant surprise since I've joined so... it completely caught me off guard.

Anyway... now that I'm done with that, I'll share a funny image I found at lolcats. Every time I see it, it just makes me giggle. ^_^
